Am I allowed to do this?

General discussion about Celestia that doesn't fit into other forums.
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Am I allowed to do this?

Post #1by TourqeGlare » 14.06.2005, 17:17

On my art gallery blog thingy,
I take pics of Celestia and present them
as mine.
But I dont say the content is mine.
I say that no CG model at all is mine
unless stated otherwise.
I say that I'm just "taking pictures"
witch is exactly what I'm doing.
I wanna know if this is OK to do because I
feel that no one here is getting credit.

(Please dont have problems.
I like doing this. Again I say
that nothing I take pictures of
is mine unless stated otherwise.)

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Post #2by selden » 14.06.2005, 17:39

In general, you should give credit to the people who created the models that you're using. While you're the one taking the pictures, they're the ones who made those pictures possible.

(There's also the problem of people stealing pictures, claiming all the credit for themselves and selling them. This has happened in other venues, and I fear it's only a matter of time before it happens with pictures from here. :( )

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Post #3by TourqeGlare » 14.06.2005, 17:47

Im going to keep doing it,
but when I can (or remember)
Im going to give out the names of
the people who made the models
so they get a picture credit slice.

Thanks for the info dude. :)

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Post #4by TourqeGlare » 14.06.2005, 20:37

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