Celestia Beginner add on pack :)

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Celestia Beginner add on pack :)

Post #1by Nirvana91 » 13.06.2005, 14:19


I??ve downloaded Celestia 1.3.2. from Nvidia.com and i??de like to know add on packs to improve the graphical quality of the program because every time i zoominto earth all i see is pixels.. I??ve already gone to the celestiamotherlode.net and i??m currently downloading some stuff but i don??t know if they are good or bad... Can some "pro" tell us (the beginners) some good packs to install and obviusly the links too?? :)


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Post #2by Rassilon » 13.06.2005, 17:19

Well first off make sure you have the most recent version of Celestia....

Second visit the motherlode and download higher resolution images to improve visual quality....

Make sure you have a powerful computer and graphics card....
I'm trying to teach the cavemen how to play scrabble, its uphill work. The only word they know is Uhh and they dont know how to spell it!

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Re: Celestia Beginner add on pack :)

Post #3by rthorvald » 13.06.2005, 17:47

Nirvana91 wrote:I??ve downloaded Celestia 1.3.2. from Nvidia.com and i??de like to know add on packs to improve the graphical quality of the program because every time i zoominto earth all i see is pixels.. I??ve already gone to the celestiamotherlode.net and i??m currently downloading some stuff but i don??t know if they are good or bad... Can some "pro" tell us (the beginners) some good packs to install

You can??t go wrong with Don. Edward??s maps, they are pure art...


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