OSX user question

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OSX user question

Post #1by ElChristou » 02.06.2005, 13:06


After using the EditMode to change the orientation of a model, how can I save the modification?

the ! key on my powerbook seems to do nothing...

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Post #2by selden » 02.06.2005, 19:37

You need to run Celestia from a command line in a terminal window and tell it to create a log file. I don't know if this capability is included in the Mac version of Celestia.

Instructions for doing this under Windows can be found at http://www.lepp.cornell.edu/~seb/celest ... d.html#6.0

It says it's only for DSC catalogs because the Right-Mouse-Button rotation isn't available for SSC objects. Left-Mouse-Button rotation can be used instead, but it's extremely awkward, as I'm sure you've found already.

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Post #3by ElChristou » 02.06.2005, 20:10

Tx Selden (once again... :wink:)

Well on your page, all the info about the align.log are the same I have already found here in the forum, and for now I wasn't able to get a positive result... It's why I have entitle this thread "OSX user question", as I'm wondering if there is another way on my os to do that...

Now on your page, there is a piece of code like this:

Code: Select all

    Mesh     "b33.3ds"
   Axis [ -0.641856 0.38352 -0.664029 ]
   Angle 132.636

What about those settings? are they similar to "orientation" and "rotationoffset"?

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Post #4by selden » 03.06.2005, 14:00

The Axis and Angle values seem to be the "quaternion" values used internally to Celestia. I suppose one might consider them to be comparable to angular orientations in other coordinate systems, but they don't have the same values as the ones you mention.

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