since Frank asked me yesterday to send him my personal 2k
Saturn texture setup, I thought that after some Cassini
imaging update, it might also be interesting for others.
Here it is as ZIP archive (1.4 MB) for public download from
my TextureFoundry site:
The attached, relevant section from Celestia's solarsys.ssc,
saturn.ssc, is to give an idea about the way I prefer to
illuminate my Saturn texture...Since I use the OpenGl 2.0
rendering path, others may see slight differences when
displaying it with different renderings.
What is special about it?
It is originally based on Bj?¶rn J??nsson's great
1800x900 texture,,
however, with colors adapted to recent published
'natural color' imaging from the Cassini mission:
a) Southern hemisphere:
b) Northen hemisphere (strong enhancement of blue! NEW):
Saturn's rings essentially correspond to Celestia's default.
They were built by Grant Hutchison from Cassini imaging, with
transparency information carefully derived from stellar transit
data obtained from:
Perhaps, it's worth making a few comments how I updated
my texture to incorporate the strikingly blue northern
A warm-up for GIMP affectionados
I loaded my original 2k cylindrical texture into GIMP and
opened a new transparent layer on top of it, however with a
height of only 512 pixels, i.e. only extending from the north
pole to the equator. Then I loaded the beautiful Cassini
'natural color ' image ( PIA06176.tif, see above) showing the
whole range of "northern blues" (cf. inlet mage below). I
next made a gradient with ends matching the color
range as taken from that Cassini image. Furthermore, by clicking
with the right mouse button on that active top layer in GIMP's layer dialog, I opened
a new white(i.e. untransparent) mask for that layer of
'blue shades'. With Gimp's gradient tool, I then drew the blue
gradient vertically across the layer and another black-> white
gradient vertically across the corresponding layer mask. This effects a
smooth blending-in of the blue layer starting from the equator
and getting total around the north pole. That's all.
The result you see on this 800x400 mini-texture:
The full 2k texture is in my ZIP archive, of course.
Here is a preview from Celestia. Note in 4 years from now
(2009), the top of Saturn is fully illuminated and the blue
shades fully visible. This is illustrated in the bottom image.
Bye Fridger