Confusing search for HD-stars i Celestia...

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Confusing search for HD-stars i Celestia...

Post #1by Tosv » 25.08.2004, 19:37

I?m a little confused here.

When I?m pressing the ENTER-button and types "HD" in the "Target name"-field I?ll get just one hit - HD 178911 B. But, when using the "Navigation/Select Object"-menu I can type in several other numbers starting with HD. Why aren?t those stars searchable via the "Target name"-option?

And, Why is this star named HD 178911 B in the Target-name-option when its name, according to the information on top left of the screen, is HD 178911 / HIP 94076? Not a "B" anywhere...

// T (tired and maybe not so sharp-minded right now) :?

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Post #2by selden » 25.08.2004, 20:03

Most (maybe all) of the stars in the Hipparcos database used by Celestia have both HIP and HD numbers. Like the HIP identifiers, there are just too many HD identifiers to make it reasonable to include them in the tab-completion list.

Only HD 178911 B shows up in the tab-completion list because it's the only one listed in starnames.dat

That HD 178911 / HIP 94076 is selected when you try to select HD 178911 B is a bug. HD 178911 B = HIP 94075, as you'll see if you select HIP 94075 or look through starnames.dat. (It's a plain text file.)

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Post #3by granthutchison » 25.08.2004, 22:39

The reason HD 178911 B is singled out to exist in starnames.dat is because it is known to host an extrasolar planet, and the HD number is the name most commonly used when referring to the planet, HD 178911 B b.
I didn't know that Celestia ignored the "B". Sigh. If the name is non-functional and confusing, to boot, maybe I should just remove it from starnames.dat at the moment.


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Post #4by Tosv » 26.08.2004, 08:00

Thanks guys! Now I?m less confused :)

Grant: To remove the star HD 178911 B from the starnames.dat may be a good temporarily solution, but in the end i guess this bug have to be fixed. Unfortunately I don?t know anything about programming so i have to leave this to you, or to some of the other experts here :wink:

// T!

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