Transit Collection

General discussion about Celestia that doesn't fit into other forums.
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Transit Collection

Post #1by Hoover » 16.06.2004, 13:57

I'm new to the forum but I've been playing with Celestia 1.3.1 for a few months. I had been encountering various Transits on the web and in this forum and have made a collection of the cel:'s that I've found. I also added a few of my own.

I've added the second 2003 Transit of Mercury from the viewpoint that we may have seen it through telescopes. Also the 2004 and 2012 Transits of Venus.

I must admit I'm rather a novice at having constructed these. I wish I was able to say from what point on Earth these transits were being viewed from but I don't know how to control that. What might be intersting is a small tutorial on just how to construct various transits. I notice that some use a Follow and some use a SyncOrbit. I'm sure each has its merits but I don't know enough to say what.

I'll admit what I did is that once I got the 2003 Transit of Mercury looking right, I just zoomed the clock up to 2004 and 2012, centered the Sun and then captured the url! Not very scientific but they look cool and its fun.

What I'd also like to add to the collection is a transit of Earth from the viewpoint of Mars.

Also I'd like to note that I didn't keep track of the authors of these other transits :oops:. If anyone wants to take credit, chime in!

9 BC Mars Transits Saturn

1170 Mars Transits Jupiter

1613 Jupiter Occults Neptune

1737 Venus Occults Murcury

1818 Venus Transits Jupiter

2003 Transit of Mercury


2004 Transit of Venus

2012 Transit of Venus

Future Transits of Mars




Post #2by Guest » 16.06.2004, 17:38

I found a web page where someone kindly describes several dates for Transits of Earth From Mars. The last one was on May 11, 1984. The next one is on November 10, 2084.

This was easily verified by Celestia. First I went to Mars. Then I selected Sol and pressed C to center it. Next I used J, K and L to zero in on the date. (I had to continually center the Sun while doing this). Then I watched as the Earth and Moon approached. Then went to real time when they were both on the face of the son and captured the urls.

I suppose this same technique might be used from any planet. The key is knowing if the transit is possible and then when it is will happen. The JPL calculator is what was used to find these according to the source web page. I haven't tried it yet.

1984 Earth/Moon Transit from Mars

2084 Earth/Moon Transit from Mars

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Post #3by Calculus » 16.06.2004, 19:48

You may have a look in my gallery to see some transits and other celestial phenomena
My Gallery of Celestial Phenomena: ... e=Calculus

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Post #4by Hoover » 16.06.2004, 20:52

Calculus wrote:You may have a look in my gallery to see some transits and other celestial phenomena

Extraordinary! May I ask how you found these? Did you record the cel:'s for these? It would be way interesting to see some of these in motion.

Also, since I'm starting to get involved in astronomy, it would be interesting to be able to find some of these events that will happen in the near future. I'd like to, as a challenge, to be able to view some of these for real.


Transits script

Post #5by Oni2501 » 16.06.2004, 23:50

Hi Hoover and welcome aboard!

I looked through the cel urls you provided and decided I'd like to have them in a script format. Below is that script, feel free to make any updates or changes to suit your own needs...that goes for anyone else as well. I'm assuming you are familier with scripts and how to run them, if not then from Celestia, choose file, open script and select the script you want to run. I think all scripts have to be in the Celestia directory to work though. Just copy/paste the everything below into a txt file and rename it something like "transits.cel" or what ever you want. I personally have all my scripts named something like this "Script - Planetary Transits and Occults.cel" That way all the scripts are in order and easier to locate.

Code: Select all

####  Various Planetary Transits and Occults
####  Cel URL's provided by Hoover and "Others" :-)
####  Script written by Andr? Smith
####  June 16, 2004
####  Celestia Version 1.3.2 pre 7
####  Screen Resolution 1024 x 768
####  Feel free to make changes as necessary


#---- Clear Labels, Marks, Tracking and preload Textures
cancel {}
unmarkall {}
labels { clear "planets|moons|spacecraft|asteroids|constellations|stars|galaxies" }
print { text "Loading Textures" row -6 column 16 duration 5}
preloadtex { object "Saturn|Jupiter|Mars|Neptune|Mercury|Venus" }
wait { duration 7 }

# 9 BC Mars Transits Saturn

print { text "9 BC - Mars Transits Saturn" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://SyncOrbit/Sol:Earth/-009-01-30T15:07:38.65?x=b6U30VXODE2vDA&y=fmT5gsP5eAc&z=yv0M7f8XF8X5/////////w&ow=0.510458&ox=0.167526&oy=0.838680&oz=-0.089354&track=Sol:Saturn&select=Sol:Mars&fov=0.020198&ts=0.001000&rf=71559&lm=0" }
timerate {rate 10}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 15 }

# 1170 Mars Transits Jupiter

print { text "1170 - Mars Transits Jupiter" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://SyncOrbit/Sol:Earth/1170-09-12T20:18:14.32?x=yvoT/aLCsVbNDA&y=mn+PmotGnwE&z=pPpga7ZVuOD9/////////w&ow=0.997626&ox=0.005229&oy=0.068036&oz=0.009262&track=Sol:Jupiter&select=Sol:Mars&fov=0.028421&ts=0.010000&rf=71559&lm=0" }
timerate {rate 10}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 15 }

# 1613 Jupiter Occults Neptune

print { text "1613 - Jupiter Occults Neptune" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://Follow/Sol:Earth/1613-01-03T16:47:52.70?x=1HuwloUFFZy4DA&y=ff5enH24OwM&z=drVFTFeLAE/x/////////w&ow=0.676576&ox=-0.182222&oy=-0.695147&oz=-0.160660&track=Sol:Jupiter&select=Sol:Neptune&fov=0.014354&ts=0.001000&rf=71559&lm=0" }
timerate {rate 100}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 10 }

# 1737 Venus Occults Mercury

print { text "1737 - Venus Occults Mercury" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://SyncOrbit/Sol:Earth/1737-05-28T21:42:04.61?x=6CR103orJHu4DA&y=kIx1jVEUx/3//////////w&z=GJpyMN1Q5ioP&ow=0.996660&ox=-0.021131&oy=-0.026240&oz=-0.074396&track=Sol:Venus&select=Sol:Venus&fov=0.062038&ts=-0.000010&rf=6031&lm=20" }
timerate {rate 10}
renderflags {set "atmospheres|cloudmaps"}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 10 }

# 1818 Venus Transits Jupiter

print { text "1818 - Venus Transits Jupiter" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://SyncOrbit/Sol:Earth/1818-01-03T21:42:05.68?x=UUXQPiiUQ4C5DA&y=uN98qAKcqwE&z=QfOhSwYJLQjx/////////w&ow=-0.007477&ox=-0.075911&oy=0.997082&oz=-0.002889&track=Sol:Jupiter&select=Sol:Venus&fov=0.031334&ts=0.000000&rf=6095&lm=0" }
timerate {rate 10}
renderflags {set "atmospheres|cloudmaps"}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 10 }

# 1984 Earth/Moon Transit from Mars

print { text "1984 - Earth/Moon Transit from Mars" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://Follow/Sol:Mars/1984-05-11T11:11:09.81871?x=fKGWcpL+HFKuDA&y=Kj/ui1iIrPr//////////w&z=bUdzSiR4/ggT&ow=0.942851&ox=-0.006096&oy=0.332776&oz=0.015994&select=Sol&fov=1.410327&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36819&lm=-378" }
timerate {rate 1000}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 10 }

# 2003 Transit of Mercury

select { object "Sol" }
track {}
set { name "FOV" value 45.0 }
renderflags { clear "constellations|grid"}
print { text "2003 - Transit of Mercury" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
wait { duration 5 }
seturl { url "cel://SyncOrbit/Sol:Earth/2003-05-07T07:41:24.33324?x=KN6nhSrCOqiyDA&y=vhDgDu+JIA&z=n5IfaCAQ6IcL&ow=-0.384841&ox=-0.338569&oy=-0.154236&oz=0.844677&track=Sol&select=Sol&fov=0.585285&ts=0.000000&rf=771&lm=2" }
timerate {rate 1000}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 10 }

# 2004 Transit of Venus

print { text "2004 - Transit of Venus" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://Follow/Sol:Earth/2004-06-08T05:20:19.64132?x=UFxMRnP33j+6DA&y=C3gx0VJsDQ&z=kFvMO7BESKwP&ow=0.994234&ox=0.000038&oy=0.107231&oz=-0.000294&select=Sol&fov=1.410327&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36755&lm=-382" }
timerate {rate 1000}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 10 }

# 2012 Transit of Venus

print { text "2012 - Transit of Venus" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://Follow/Sol:Earth/2012-06-06T04:02:55.76576?x=UNy8F3Xk4LO5DA&y=ztcEva7nGw&z=8cWct1Ij34kP&ow=0.991973&ox=0.000051&oy=0.126450&oz=-0.000291&select=Sol&fov=1.410327&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36755&lm=-382" }
timerate {rate 100}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 10 }

# 2084 Earth/Moon Transit from Mars

print { text "2084 - Earth/Moon Transit from Mars" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://Follow/Sol:Mars/2084-11-10T07:02:46.16123?x=SOIXTHwzDEnNDA&y=sXzbXYEdavr//////////w&z=af/6dbJSZuHu/////////w&ow=-0.360746&ox=0.016123&oy=0.932507&oz=0.005754&select=Sol&fov=1.410327&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36819&lm=-378" }
timerate {rate 1000}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 10 }

##---- Return to Normal Celestia Settings
##---- These may be changed to suit each User's setup

timerate {rate 1}
print { text "End of Script - Press Shift-1 for Current Date and Time" row -6 column 16 duration 6}
wait { duration 7}
cancel {}
unmarkall {}
labels {clear "galaxies|moons|asteroids|comets|constellations|stars|planets|spacecraft|locations" }
renderflags {clear "galaxies|orbits|constellations|boundaries|markers|grid"}
renderflags {set "atmospheres|cloudmaps|comettails|eclipseshadows|nightmaps|planets|ringshadows|stars"}
set { name "FOV" value 45.0 }
set { name "AmbientLightLevel" value 0.05 }
setvisibilitylimit { magnitude 6.5 }

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Post #6by don » 17.06.2004, 07:21

Hello Hoover, and welcome to the Celestia forums! :D

Your collection of transits is great! Thank you for sharing them. :D

Thanks to Oni2501 for scripting them as well. Good work folks!
-Don G.
My Celestia Scripting Resources page

Avatar: Total Lunar Eclipse from our back yard, Oct 2004. Panasonic FZ1 digital camera (no telescope), 36X digital zoom, 8 second exposure at f6.5.

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Posts: 55
Joined: 16.06.2004
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Post #7by Hoover » 17.06.2004, 10:10

Great script! Very cool what Celestia can be made to do.

I tried the JPL Horizons Ephemeris. Couldn't do it. Way over my head.

I've heard that Guide 8 can find some of these things. Anyone ever tried that? Project Pluto (home of Guide 8) has Jupiter Moon events right on line.

Are there any other resources for finding transits, occultations, eclipses, etc that might be freeware or an online program?

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Post #8by selden » 17.06.2004, 11:52


In fact Guide's author has kindly provided Web pages listing many of the planetary occultations. See for example.

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Post #9by ANDREA » 17.06.2004, 12:04

Calculus wrote:You may have a look in my gallery to see some transits and other celestial phenomena

Dear Calculus, I visited and enjoyed you Gallery some time ago, but not after the "new entry" of cel URLs in Celestia. :wink:
So here my question: any chance to have the cel URLs of your eclipses, conjunctions etc. shown in your pages? :P
If yes, this will save lot of time to reproduce the events, in order to put them in my "eclipses, occultations, etc" .cel script that I'm editing for educational purposes.
Thank you for your reply. :wink:

Andrea :D
"Something is always better than nothing!"
HP Omen 15-DC1040nl- Intel® Core i7 9750H, 2.6/4.5 GHz- 1TB PCIe NVMe M.2 SSD+ 1TB SATA 6 SSD- 32GB SDRAM DDR4 2666 MHz- Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti 6 GB-WIN 11 PRO

Jeam Tag M
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Re: Transits script

Post #10by Jeam Tag » 17.06.2004, 13:07

Oni2501 wrote:I looked through the cel urls you provided and decided I'd like to have them in a script format.
Thank you Hoover , and Welcome :lol: , Oni2501 it's true that a script format is very usefull, too. I've slightly modified a part of the cel/url for me:
#### Various Planetary Transits and Occults
#### Cel URL's provided by Hoover and "Others" :-)
#### Script written by Andr? Smith aka Oni2501
#### Forum topic:
#### June 16, 2004


#---- Clear Labels, Marks, Tracking and preload Textures
cancel {}
unmarkall {}
labels { clear "planets|moons|spacecraft|asteroids|constellations|stars|galaxies" }
print { text "Loading Textures" row -6 column 16 duration 3}
preloadtex { object "Venus" }
wait { duration 5 }

# 2004 Transit of Venus

print { text "Transit de Venus - 8 juin 2004\ntemps x1000" row -6 column 16 duration 20}
seturl { url "cel://Follow/Sol:Earth/2004-06-08T05:07:19.64132?x=UFxMRnP33j+6DA&y=C3gx0VJsDQ&z=kFvMO7BESKwP&ow=0.994234&ox=0.000038&oy=0.107231&oz=-0.000294&select=Sol&fov=1.410327&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36755&lm=-382" }
timerate {rate 1000}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 22 }

# 2012 Transit of Venus

print { text "Transit de Venus - 6 juin 2012\ntemps x1000" row -6 column 16 duration 15}
seturl { url "cel://Follow/Sol:Earth/2012-06-06T01:05:55.76576?x=UNy8F3Xk4LO5DA&y=ztcEva7nGw&z=8cWct1Ij34kP&ow=0.991973&ox=0.000051&oy=0.126450&oz=-0.000291&select=Sol&fov=1.410327&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36755&lm=-382" }
timerate {rate 1000}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 30 }
Small question: which modifications to bring so that the Sun remains centered, and only Mercury moves, in these occults? Thank you, guys, Jeam
Catalogue des ajouts /Catalog for the Add-Ons in French

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Post #11by Hoover » 17.06.2004, 14:17

selden wrote:Hoover,

In fact Guide's author has kindly provided Web pages listing many of the planetary occultations. See for example.

Thank you all for the welcome and exuberance on my first thread! :D

I had been interested in transits and such since I first started looking at Celestia. But what really got me going was viewing the Transit of Venus from the top of the Empire State Building! :D

Andrea, your educational script would be very interesting. Will you share it once completed?

Thanks seldon for the url. I've seen his special interest page but I've never seen the one you sent. There must be a link somewhere...

And, sigh, not much going on in the multi-planet scene until 2065. So I just had to set it up in Celestia. Try these.

2065 Venus Occults Ganymede

2065 Venus Transits Jupiter

2065 Venus/Jupiter Activity with Venus Centered

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Post #13by Calculus » 17.06.2004, 14:24

ANDREA wrote:
Calculus wrote:You may have a look in my gallery to see some transits and other celestial phenomena
Dear Calculus, I visited and enjoyed you Gallery some time ago, but not after the "new entry" of cel URLs in Celestia. :wink:
So here my question: any chance to have the cel URLs of your eclipses, conjunctions etc. shown in your pages? :P
If yes, this will save lot of time to reproduce the events, in order to put them in my "eclipses, occultations, etc" .cel script that I'm editing for educational purposes.
Thank you for your reply. :wink:

Andrea :D

You are absolutely right Andrea, but I made all these shots before the cel URLs were implemented (beside some of the last ones). I do have most of them in my favorite locations (.cel file). I can post it or PM it to you. it is 50k big. I don't really have the time to convert these into script or cel URLs. (I wish I had)

My Gallery of Celestial Phenomena: ... e=Calculus

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Post #14by ANDREA » 17.06.2004, 17:18

Calculus wrote:
ANDREA wrote:
Calculus wrote:You may have a look in my gallery to see some transits and other celestial phenomena
Dear Calculus, I visited and enjoyed you Gallery some time ago, but not after the "new entry" of cel URLs in Celestia. :wink:
So here my question: any chance to have the cel URLs of your eclipses, conjunctions etc. shown in your pages? :P
If yes, this will save lot of time to reproduce the events, in order to put them in my "eclipses, occultations, etc" .cel script that I'm editing for educational purposes. Thank you for your reply. :wink: Andrea :D
I do have most of them in my favorite locations (.cel file). I can post it or PM it to you. it is 50k big.

Calculus, it would be nice, please post me them, thank you. :D
I'll try to make the URLs myself, and post them when ready. :wink:
By soon

Andrea 8)
"Something is always better than nothing!"
HP Omen 15-DC1040nl- Intel® Core i7 9750H, 2.6/4.5 GHz- 1TB PCIe NVMe M.2 SSD+ 1TB SATA 6 SSD- 32GB SDRAM DDR4 2666 MHz- Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti 6 GB-WIN 11 PRO

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Post #15by Hoover » 17.06.2004, 18:54

Lest I forget, there is a Transit of Mercury coming on November 8th, 2006.


For this one I made the sun take up the whole screen by narrowing the field of view. Pressing , narrows it (magnifies) and pressing . widens it. See Help/Controls.

What I noticed this time, as I was speeding forward from the 2003 Mercury Transit I could see the Sun was spinning. But it was not oriented up and down. I had never taken this into account. I used the arrow keys to try to align the sun's upward pole to the center. Is there a control to do this exactly? Since the poles can't be made visible this is guess work.

This brings up a good question for the elder astronomers down at the observatory. How do they determine the polar orientation of the sun when viewing or projecting its image?



Post #16by Oni2501 » 17.06.2004, 21:03

Cool, more transits! I'll add them to my script and everyone is welcome to make changes and Improvements to it, please :-) If good ol' brain dead Bob H made these scripts we'd have all sorts of interesting info about the transits, or the dates on which they occured I'm sure :-) I expect he's busy with his own tours at the moment though. My scripts are pretty basic and need much more work.

Jeam Tag M
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Post #17by Jeam Tag » 17.06.2004, 22:58

Hoover wrote:Jeam Tag,You have to lock and center the sun by pressing :I should have done this in all sun centered transits so I've fixed them here:
OK, Hoover, Oni2501: I'm trying Timing improvments and French translation for my proper version of the script:
#### Diff?rents transits et occultations plan?taires
#### Cel/URLs ?crites par Hoover, Script r?dig? par Andr? Smith aka Oni2501
#### am?nag?s par d' autres Celestians :-)
#### Sur le Forum Celestia:
#### 16 juin 2004
#### Originalement compos? avec Celestia 1.3.2pre7, r?solution d'?cran 1024 x 768
#### Toute correction est libre de droits. VF Jeam Tag


#---- Clear Labels, Marks, Tracking and preload Textures
cancel {}
unmarkall {}
labels { clear "planets|moons|spacecraft|asteroids|constellations|stars|galaxies" }
print { text "(Loading Textures)\nPositionnements de Hoover, Script Andre Smith, Amenagements Jeam Tag" row -4 column 1 duration 5}
preloadtex { object "Saturn|Jupiter|Mars|Neptune|Mercury|Venus" }
wait { duration 3 }

# 9 Av-JC Mars passe devant Saturne
print { text "30 Janvier 09 Av-JC - Mars passe devant Saturne\nTemps accelere 100x" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://SyncOrbit/Sol:Earth/-009-01-30T14:52:38.65?x=b6U30VXODE2vDA&y=fmT5gsP5eAc&z=yv0M7f8XF8X5/////////w&ow=0.510458&ox=0.167526&oy=0.838680&oz=-0.089354&track=Sol:Saturn&select=Sol:Mars&fov=0.020198&ts=0.001000&rf=71559&lm=0" }
timerate {rate 100}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 13 }

# 1170 Mars passe devant Jupiter
print { text "12 Septembre 1170 - Mars passe devant Jupiter\nTemps accelere 100x" row -6 column 16 duration 25}
seturl { url "cel://SyncOrbit/Sol:Earth/1170-09-12T20:19:21.32?x=yvoT/aLCsVbNDA&y=mn+PmotGnwE&z=pPpga7ZVuOD9/////////w&ow=0.997626&ox=0.005229&oy=0.068036&oz=0.009262&track=Sol:Jupiter&select=Sol:Mars&fov=0.028421&ts=0.010000&rf=71559&lm=0" }
timerate {rate 100}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 27 }

# 1613 Jupiter occulte Neptune
print { text "3 Janvier 1613 - Jupiter occulte Neptune\nTemps accelere 100x" row -6 column 16 duration 21}
seturl { url "cel://Follow/Sol:Earth/1613-01-03T16:42:52.70?x=1HuwloUFFZy4DA&y=ff5enH24OwM&z=drVFTFeLAE/x/////////w&ow=0.676576&ox=-0.182222&oy=-0.695147&oz=-0.160660&track=Sol:Jupiter&select=Sol:Neptune&fov=0.014354&ts=0.001000&rf=71559&lm=0" }
timerate {rate 100}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 25 }

# 1737 Venus occulte Mercure
print { text "28 Mai 1737 - Venus occulte Mercure\nTemps accelere 10x" row -6 column 16 duration 49}
seturl { url "cel://SyncOrbit/Sol:Earth/1737-05-28T21:39:35.61?x=6CR103orJHu4DA&y=kIx1jVEUx/3//////////w&z=GJpyMN1Q5ioP&ow=0.996660&ox=-0.021131&oy=-0.026240&oz=-0.074396&track=Sol:Venus&select=Sol:Venus&fov=0.062038&ts=-0.000010&rf=6031&lm=20" }
timerate {rate 10}
renderflags {set "atmospheres|cloudmaps"}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 55}

# 1818 Venus passe devant Jupiter
print { text "3 Janvier 1818 - Venus passe devant Jupiter\nTemps accelere 100x" row -6 column 16 duration 15}
seturl { url "cel://SyncOrbit/Sol:Earth/1818-01-03T21:31:05.68?x=UUXQPiiUQ4C5DA&y=uN98qAKcqwE&z=QfOhSwYJLQjx/////////w&ow=-0.007477&ox=-0.075911&oy=0.997082&oz=-0.002889&track=Sol:Jupiter&select=Sol:Venus&fov=0.031334&ts=0.000000&rf=6095&lm=0" }
timerate {rate 100}
renderflags {set "atmospheres|cloudmaps"}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 17 }

# 1984 Transit Terre-Lune
print { text "11 Mai 1984 - Transit Terre-Lune vu de Mars\nTemps accelere 1000x" row -6 column 16 duration 31}
seturl { url "cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Mars/Sol/1984-05-11T08:05:15.27213?x=EOLaCRdz8FOuDA&y=1bDhHQCCfvr//////////w&z=3qPzHLlwXAoT&ow=0.921309&ox=-0.071468&oy=0.324892&oz=0.201311&select=Sol&fov=1.410327&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36819&lm=-378" }
timerate {rate 1000}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 35 }

# 2003 Transit of Mercury ### Can't see,read it like the others...
# so can't change or translate really this one, what's the matter?

# 2004 Transit de V?nus
print { text "8 juin 2004 - Transit de Venus\nTemps accelere 1000x" row -6 column 16 duration 21}
seturl { url "cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Earth/Sol/2004-06-08T05:07:35.67627?x=KEtINpAk4j+6DA&y=Uy9X7FZsDQ&z=vEuqvX/8SKwP&ow=0.994234&ox=0.000038&oy=0.107229&oz=-0.000294&select=Sol&fov=1.410327&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36755&lm=-382" }
timerate {rate 1000}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 23 }

# 2012 Transit de V?nus
print { text "5 au 6 juin 2012 - Transit de Venus\nTemps accelere 1000x" row -6 column 16 duration 17}
seturl { url "cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Earth/Sol/2012-06-05T22:02:47.10469?x=sDddjGiWT6O5DA&y=VF6bDBepGw&z=0FNckOXDdoUP&ow=0.991936&ox=0.000160&oy=0.126737&oz=-0.001151&select=Sol&fov=1.410327&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36755&lm=-382" }
timerate {rate 1000}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 25 }

# 2084 Transit Terre-Lune
print { text "10 Novembre 2084 - Transit Terre-Lune vu de Mars\ntemps accelere 1000x" row -6 column 16 duration 31}
seturl { url "cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Mars/Sol/2084-11-10T04:10:35.07563?x=ZIBW6LjMCknNDA&y=ZnN8R2cuavr//////////w&z=sSX7KzvOZOHu/////////w&ow=-0.361327&ox=0.016126&oy=0.932282&oz=0.005745&select=Sol&fov=1.410327&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36819&lm=-378" }
timerate {rate 1000}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 37 }

##---- Retour au temps r?el de Celestia
##---- Changer les donn?es ci-dessous pour revenir aux r?glages pr?fer?s
timerate {rate 1}
print { text "Fin du Scenario- Tapez Shift-1 pour revenir au temps reel" row -4 column 1 duration 5}
wait { duration 5}
cancel {}
unmarkall {}
labels {clear "galaxies|moons|asteroids|comets|constellations|stars|planets|spacecraft|locations" }
renderflags {clear "galaxies|orbits|constellations|boundaries|markers|grid"}
renderflags {set "atmospheres|cloudmaps|comettails|eclipseshadows|nightmaps|planets|ringshadows|stars"}
set { name "FOV" value 45.0 }
set { name "AmbientLightLevel" value 0.05 }
setvisibilitylimit { magnitude 6.5 }
I've some difficulties withthe 2003 Transit,and I've no hadded other Cel/Urls for the moment: I post this just because i've nother time nor space today to save it,but I'll save this stuff later somewhere on a next Cel/URLs page and links in my Catalog..Jeam
Catalogue des ajouts /Catalog for the Add-Ons in French


Script 2

Post #18by Oni2501 » 17.06.2004, 23:08

Ok, here is the updated script. It's still quite basic and could use a lot of improvements. Added the new transits and updated the old ones with the new cel url's mentioned above. Again feel free to make changes to fit each system. I have to turn off Galaxies and Nebula so my pc doesn't crawl :-) Those with faster pc's can remove those clear commands as they see fit. Great idea to include the forum links as well, thanks! There is also a link to the script forum as well for those interested in seeing other scripts and learning how to make their own. I'm still new to cel scripting, but I've seen some fantastic work done by others in both cel and the newer celx (Lua) scripting. Wish I had more time to learn these, have to spend too much time at a place called work :-) Updated script below:

Code: Select all

####  Various Planetary Transits and Occults
####  Cel URL's provided by Hoover and "Others"
####  Script written by Andr? Smith aka Oni2501
####  June 16, 2004
####  Updated: June 17, 2004
####  Celestia Version 1.3.2 pre 7
####  Screen Resolution 1024 x 768
####  Feel free to make changes as necessary

####  Celestia Forum topic:

####  For other Scripts and info on Scripts see the Celestia Forum below
####  Celestia Forum topic:


#---- Clear Labels, Marks, Tracking and preload Textures
cancel {}
unmarkall {}
labels { clear "planets|moons|spacecraft|asteroids|constellations|stars|galaxies" }
print { text "Loading Textures" row -6 column 16 duration 5}
preloadtex { object "Saturn|Jupiter|Mars|Neptune|Mercury|Venus" }
wait { duration 7 }

# 9 BC Mars Transits Saturn

print { text "9 BC - Mars Transits Saturn" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://SyncOrbit/Sol:Earth/-009-01-30T15:07:38.65?x=b6U30VXODE2vDA&y=fmT5gsP5eAc&z=yv0M7f8XF8X5/////////w&ow=0.510458&ox=0.167526&oy=0.838680&oz=-0.089354&track=Sol:Saturn&select=Sol:Mars&fov=0.020198&ts=0.001000&rf=71559&lm=0" }
timerate {rate 10}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 15 }

# 1170 Mars Transits Jupiter

print { text "1170 - Mars Transits Jupiter" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://SyncOrbit/Sol:Earth/1170-09-12T20:18:14.32?x=yvoT/aLCsVbNDA&y=mn+PmotGnwE&z=pPpga7ZVuOD9/////////w&ow=0.997626&ox=0.005229&oy=0.068036&oz=0.009262&track=Sol:Jupiter&select=Sol:Mars&fov=0.028421&ts=0.010000&rf=71559&lm=0" }
timerate {rate 40}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 15 }

# 1613 Jupiter Occults Neptune

print { text "1613 - Jupiter Occults Neptune" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://Follow/Sol:Earth/1613-01-03T16:47:52.70?x=1HuwloUFFZy4DA&y=ff5enH24OwM&z=drVFTFeLAE/x/////////w&ow=0.676576&ox=-0.182222&oy=-0.695147&oz=-0.160660&track=Sol:Jupiter&select=Sol:Neptune&fov=0.014354&ts=0.001000&rf=71559&lm=0" }
timerate {rate 100}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 10 }

# 1737 Venus Occults Mercury

print { text "1737 - Venus Occults Mercury" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://SyncOrbit/Sol:Earth/1737-05-28T21:42:04.61?x=6CR103orJHu4DA&y=kIx1jVEUx/3//////////w&z=GJpyMN1Q5ioP&ow=0.996660&ox=-0.021131&oy=-0.026240&oz=-0.074396&track=Sol:Venus&select=Sol:Venus&fov=0.062038&ts=-0.000010&rf=6031&lm=20" }
timerate {rate 10}
renderflags {set "atmospheres|cloudmaps"}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 10 }

# 1818 Venus Transits Jupiter

print { text "1818 - Venus Transits Jupiter" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://SyncOrbit/Sol:Earth/1818-01-03T21:42:05.68?x=UUXQPiiUQ4C5DA&y=uN98qAKcqwE&z=QfOhSwYJLQjx/////////w&ow=-0.007477&ox=-0.075911&oy=0.997082&oz=-0.002889&track=Sol:Jupiter&select=Sol:Venus&fov=0.031334&ts=0.000000&rf=6095&lm=0" }
timerate {rate 10}
renderflags {set "atmospheres|cloudmaps"}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 10 }

# 1984 Earth/Moon Transit from Mars

print { text "1984 - Earth/Moon Transit from Mars" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Mars/Sol/1984-05-11T12:03:43.27213?x=EOLaCRdz8FOuDA&y=1bDhHQCCfvr//////////w&z=3qPzHLlwXAoT&ow=0.921309&ox=-0.071468&oy=0.324892&oz=0.201311&select=Sol&fov=1.410327&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36819&lm=-378" }
timerate {rate 1000}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
renderflags { clear "constellations|grid"}
wait { duration 10 }

# 2003 Transit of Mercury

print { text "2003 - Transit of Mercury" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Earth/Sol/2003-05-07T06:56:47.51497?x=+N0vrwiRAqayDA&y=AfpBXELIAw&z=shaECt/2aoYL&ow=0.928094&ox=0.000104&oy=0.372345&oz=-0.000255&select=Sol&fov=0.910327&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36755&lm=-382" }
timerate {rate 1000}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 10 }

# 2004 Transit of Venus

print { text "2004 - Transit of Venus" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Earth/Sol/2004-06-08T05:20:35.67627?x=KEtINpAk4j+6DA&y=Uy9X7FZsDQ&z=vEuqvX/8SKwP&ow=0.994234&ox=0.000038&oy=0.107229&oz=-0.000294&select=Sol&fov=1.410327&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36755&lm=-382" }
timerate {rate 1000}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 10 }

# 2006 Transit of Mercury

print { text "2006 - Transit of Mercury" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Earth/Sol/2006-11-08T19:18:12.31488?x=iOvmlfS1KITIDA&y=tHSrJQIiEw&z=Gviufi8rtLX0/////////w&ow=-0.371001&ox=-0.105384&oy=0.921659&oz=-0.042399&select=Sol&fov=0.878392&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36755&lm=-510" }
timerate {rate 1000}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 10 }

# 2012 Transit of Venus

print { text "2012 - Transit of Venus" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Earth/Sol/2012-06-05T22:02:47.10469?x=sDddjGiWT6O5DA&y=VF6bDBepGw&z=0FNckOXDdoUP&ow=0.991936&ox=0.000160&oy=0.126737&oz=-0.001151&select=Sol&fov=1.410327&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36755&lm=-382" }
timerate {rate 1000}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 10 }

# 2084 Earth/Moon Transit from Mars

print { text "2084 - Earth/Moon Transit from Mars" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Mars/Sol/2084-11-10T07:02:58.07563?x=ZIBW6LjMCknNDA&y=ZnN8R2cuavr//////////w&z=sSX7KzvOZOHu/////////w&ow=-0.361327&ox=0.016126&oy=0.932282&oz=0.005745&select=Sol&fov=1.410327&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36819&lm=-378" }
timerate {rate 1000}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 10 }

# 2065 Venus Occults Ganymede

print { text "2065 - Venus Occults Ganymede" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Earth/Sol:Jupiter:Ganymede/2065-11-22T11:21:03.33249?x=LD7s54Lz3oXFDA&y=1F7DOr1Xd////////////w&z=sF56SUq4q4Ly/////////w&ow=-0.325892&ox=0.009090&oy=0.945352&oz=-0.004667&select=Sol:Jupiter:Ganymede&fov=0.005199&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36755&lm=-506" }
timerate {rate 15}
labels { clear "planets|moons"}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 15 }

# 2065 Venus Transits Jupiter

print { text "2065 - Venus Transits Jupiter" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Earth/Sol:Jupiter/2065-11-22T12:37:04.08695?x=cOkQ9A+tooLFDA&y=1g9HbVdNd////////////w&z=C3f7KOsN1oDy/////////w&ow=-0.325345&ox=0.009132&oy=0.945540&oz=-0.004669&select=Sol:Jupiter&fov=0.013794&ts=1.000000<d=0&rf=36755&lm=-506" }
timerate {rate 10}
labels { clear "planets|moons"}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 10 }

# 2065 Venus/Jupiter Activity with Venus Centered

print { text "2065 - Venus/Jupiter Activity with Venus Centered" row -6 column 16 duration 10}
seturl { url "cel://PhaseLock/Sol:Earth/Sol:Venus/2065-11-22T11:13:54.01919?x=JE5cskPlLIbFDA&y=h4Ovj4pZd////////////w&z=vPkUPY3714Ly/////////w&ow=-0.325953&ox=0.009118&oy=0.945331&oz=-0.004650&select=Sol:Venus&fov=0.005732&ts=100.000000<d=0&rf=36755&lm=-506" }
timerate {rate 30}
labels { clear "planets|moons"}
renderflags { clear "markers"}
renderflags { clear "galaxies"}
wait { duration 15 }
timerate {rate 60}
wait { duration 10 }
timerate {rate 300}
wait { duration 20 }

##---- Return to Normal Celestia Settings
##---- These may be changed to suit each User's setup

timerate {rate 1}
print { text "End of Script - Press Shift-1 for Current Date and Time" row -6 column 16 duration 6}
wait { duration 7}
cancel {}
unmarkall {}
labels {clear "galaxies|moons|asteroids|comets|constellations|stars|planets|spacecraft|locations" }
renderflags {clear "galaxies|orbits|constellations|boundaries|markers|grid"}
renderflags {set "atmospheres|cloudmaps|comettails|eclipseshadows|nightmaps|planets|ringshadows|stars"}
set { name "FOV" value 45.0 }
set { name "AmbientLightLevel" value 0.05 }
setvisibilitylimit { magnitude 6.5 }

Topic author
Posts: 55
Joined: 16.06.2004
With us: 20 years 8 months

Post #19by Hoover » 18.06.2004, 01:24

Great script Oni2501! :D

The Guide 8 guy says that while an actual overlap of any two planets doesn't occur until 2065, there is a significant event in 2020. Here's what it looks like.

2020 Jupiter and Saturn about 1.5 arcminutes apart

Topic author
Posts: 55
Joined: 16.06.2004
With us: 20 years 8 months

Post #20by Hoover » 18.06.2004, 02:31

I was able to reproduce the Moon Occulting the Pleiades. I saw the time and date in Calculus' gallery. But there's no way I could make the background stars look the same!

1972 Moon Occults the Pleiades

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