my unknown files

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my unknown files

Post #1by maxim » 14.01.2004, 19:24

I've found some files that seems to be addons or parts of addons. But cant find the sources or the purpose for them. If anyone recognizes them, please give me a hint:


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Post #2by JackHiggins » 14.01.2004, 19:56

deepimpact_impactormodel is mine anyway- it's a model of the impactor part of the Deep Impact spacecraft, which will crash into comet Tempel-1 in 2006. Theres an xyz file with it too- you ccan get it off the interplanetary spacecraft page on my website.

No idea what the others are...


pluto_concept4 - maybe one of the many pluto textures going around back when there was debate over scientific or artistic planet textures...?
- Jack Higgins
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Post #3by maxim » 17.01.2004, 22:14

The others seemed to be prereleases of addons provided with Franks educational activities.

JackHiggins wrote:deepimpact_impactormodel is mine anyway- it's a model of the impactor part of the Deep Impact spacecraft, which will crash into comet Tempel-1 in 2006. Theres an xyz file with it too- you ccan get it off the interplanetary spacecraft page on my website.

Unfortunately not. These two files have broken links. :(
There is at least one other broken link in one of your two spacecrafts pages, but I don't remember which.

BTW: How did you made the picture of ten SL9 fragments, when there are only 4 available on your site? :wink:

maxim :D

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Post #4by JackHiggins » 17.01.2004, 22:35


I didn't know of any broken links on the site... Those are both fixed now though! If you see which other link isn't working- tell me please! I don't have any website design program (FrontPage etc) so I cant check automatically... (I'm one of those amazing people who just use a graphics program and a text editor for HTML :wink: )

Hehe... 8) I have xyz's for all 21 actually- but I never got more than 4 finished, so the others have very poor resolution at the impact time! Like I said on the SL9 page, check back around March 2200 for the final versions... :wink: If I ever get around to it, i'll get them finished.
- Jack Higgins

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Post #5by maxim » 17.01.2004, 23:31

JackHiggins wrote:If you see which other link isn't working- tell me please!

The other one was the 'Mars Exploration Rovers- cruise trajectory' a little bit above.

maxim :)

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Post #6by JackHiggins » 18.01.2004, 01:14

Thanks- that's now fixed too!
- Jack Higgins

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Re: my unknown files

Post #7by Jeam Tag » 18.01.2004, 10:00

maxim wrote:I've found some files that seems to be addons or parts of addons. But cant find the sources or the purpose for them. If anyone recognizes them, please give me a hint:

Jack answered you for his nice model.
Seems to me that the first is the Primitive Earth project by Rassilon (See images on my pages 'Fictions' Is it the same one?)
The second looks likes the various well textured Pluto by Don Edwards (See Is it the same one?)
If it can help. Jeam
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Don. Edwards
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Post #8by Don. Edwards » 18.01.2004, 12:40

Pluto concept 4 is one of my creations. I use names like from time to time so I can identify what I have done. See it worked. :wink:

Don. Edwards
I am officially a retired member.
I might answer a PM or a post if its relevant to something.

Ah, never say never!!
Past texture releases, Hmm let me think about it

Thanks for your understanding.

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Post #9by Jeam Tag » 18.01.2004, 13:16

JackHiggins wrote://actually...
pluto_concept4 - maybe one of the many pluto textures going around back when there was debate over scientific or artistic planet textures...?

Yes, Don. Edwards', as he and I answered to Maxim. In the Pluto page in my catalogue I explain the debate: limit of Knowledge or 'licence po?tique' (french idiomatic, don't known the english one: 'Artistic licence'?) for a better detailed texture... All are nice, depending of what the use is..
Hope i noticed all the alternate visions, to people chooses his preffered one :? (Yes, mine is Don's... but the Praesepe one is nice too :lol: Enjoy!)
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Post #10by JackHiggins » 18.01.2004, 14:46

In the Pluto page in my catalogue I explain the debate: limit of Knowledge or 'licence po?tique' (french idiomatic, don't known the english one: 'Artistic licence'?) for a better detailed texture... All are nice, depending of what the use is..

Yes, we have the phrase "poetic license" in english too! :)
- Jack Higgins

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Post #11by Jeam Tag » 18.01.2004, 20:20

JackHiggins wrote:Yes, we have the phrase "poetic license" in english too! :)
Thanks, Jack.
So, in my mind, these 'Pluto Affair' is a good summary of what Celestia can offer: an eternal confrontation enters the most exact possible reflection of knowledge and the poetic licence, the interpretation of the data to dream better and further. It's formidable: the two options are also useful, obviously, and their dialogue makes it possible each one to apprehend the universe according to its needs. Celestia is formidable. Jeam
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Post #12by maxim » 19.01.2004, 16:16

Thank you all for your help.

I found that I had a similar already. It's part of one of Franks educational activities (I think part 6) and a little more sandcolored. Obviously another of your concepts. I've put concept4 to the other one into the AltSufaces menu because I haven't yet decided which one I like more. :wink:

Jeam Tag,
yes it seems to be the primitive earth addon. I was not shure about, because there is an older fantasy story called 'Dragonriders of Pearth' (could also be 'Dragonriders of Perm' I don't remember well, because it's some time ago) which came into my mind for it.

I will shurely tell you about some more orphants that I'll find during my addons cleanup.

Have fun :D


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Post #13by granthutchison » 19.01.2004, 16:34


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Post #14by maxim » 19.01.2004, 16:52


Jeam Tag M
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Post #15by Jeam Tag » 19.01.2004, 21:38

maxim wrote:Oh!

'Oh!' what?
[Off Topic, maybe] Remenber: planet Pern is the framework of a famous series of Anne Mac Caffrey (the principal history, 5 novels, is remarkable, the prequel ones are less interresting, IMHO) who tells the fight of the descendant colonists (having forgotten their origins) irregularly confronted with a particular astronomical phenomenon, the return of a planet which bombards Pern of particles particularly destroying. (the conjunctions of these two celestial bodies could be an interessant problem for an establishment in Celestia)
Foot-note: Pern is well charted, in the books, and does'nt look like 'Primitive Earth' by Rassilon: one of its characteristic is that the oceans encircle planet on the level of the southern tropics, IIRC... Jeam
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Post #16by maxim » 19.01.2004, 23:43

'Oh!' in the sense of
'Oops, yes :oops: - now that you say, I remember the name'.

I read the book when I was in my early teens, so it's quite some time ago. I know I was very impressed, and I know I did read a second book. That's all what I kept in my mind - and the about title. I didn't know that it had been five books in the end, and that there where maps and such things. 8O

I think I was just associating the name phonetic and the red-orange coloring with 'Pern' and 'Dragons'. But - I would like to see a planet 'Pern' in Celestia. :wink:

maxim. :D

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Post #17by Jeam Tag » 20.01.2004, 01:13

maxim wrote:'Oh!' in the sense of 'Oops, yes :oops: - now that you say, I remember the name'.
Right, thanks (English is not my native language) :!:
I read the book when I was in my early teens, so it's quite some time ago. I know I was very impressed, and I know I did read a second book.
Oops, maybe 20 titles, now! All not very interresting, here, but the syzygy problem in the main story is a nice challenge...
Science Fiction purposes a lot of great challenges for Celestia releases, some of them are released: SpaceLift, Terraformed Mars, RingWorld.. Others would be greats: Rocheworld, or my preferred: Dyson Sphere...
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