New Textures For Gas Giants & Moon

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New Textures For Gas Giants & Moon

Post #1by D.Edwards » 25.05.2002, 08:11

I have some new gas giant textures for the various ones in the extra-solar systems. Before posting them I would like to get some input.
I also have created textures for a tidaly streched vocanic moon and would like input on that as well. You can take a look at the moon and the gas giants at
All input is welcome and if I get enough good responses I will set them up for download. Thanks for your time.
Last edited by D.Edwards on 04.06.2002, 08:56, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #2by Rassilon » 25.05.2002, 21:24

That vulcan moon is the icing on the cake...Nice work man :mrgreen:
I'm trying to teach the cavemen how to play scrabble, its uphill work. The only word they know is Uhh and they dont know how to spell it!


Post #3by MarGert » 26.05.2002, 11:11

Volcanic moon looks very realistic, it would be great if this file would available for download.
Moon could be perfectly placed close to any extrasolar Jovian type planet, closer than Io is to Jupiter, so tidal forces are stronger and even smaller object than Io (because looking at the features on the moon it`s less than 1000 km in diameter) can be volcanic.

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The Volcanic Moon

Post #4by D.Edwards » 27.05.2002, 11:54

Hey MarGert
I do plan on releasing the textures for this little moon. Actualy I use it for exactly what you described. I have it slightly larger at about 2000km but I have it set in an orbit so it can share the same kind of tidle forces that are exerted on Io but with a much more massive parent gasgiant at about 5.4 Jupiter masses. I remember reading in a National Geographic a few years ago about an intense radiation flux that Jupiter passes through IO as one of the reasons for its volcanic activity. I thought it would be logical for similar forces to be at work in other planetary systems. The moon is made up of 4 texture layers. The main texture is a tweaked Venus without clouds, another venus without clouds that is majorly tweaked with photoshop for the light map, the venus bump map, and a thin cloud layer texture I borrowed and modified from one Rassilons creations. All in all the effect it gives is quite good. Now that I am getting some good responses I will be posting on my download page and will check to see if Bruckner might host it.
Last edited by D.Edwards on 27.05.2002, 12:22, edited 1 time in total.

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New Picture of moon

Post #5by D.Edwards » 27.05.2002, 12:13

I put up a new screen capture of my volcanic moon in orbit of its gasgiant parent. I haven't done any image touch-ups. What you see is what the moon really looks like as well as a better look at one of my Gasgiant textures. Take a look at ... g-link.jpg

You may also find something else nobody seems to think of creating. Look closely at HD 28185b's ring on the right side of the image. The tiny little dots on the rings edge and in the ring are shepard moons just like in the Saturn ring system and they work. They ride the outer and inner rings. How cool is that?

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Of course...

Post #6by bruckner » 27.05.2002, 12:38

I *will* host it, if you want. Just send your textures to and wait a little bit (depending on my current work load). By the way, that moon is terrific!

Take care!


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Another Picture of HD 28185

Post #7by D.Edwards » 27.05.2002, 22:46

Here is another shot of one of HD 28185b's moons. This one is very different from the last one. ... g-link.jpg
All coments welcome!

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Post #8by BreadMan » 04.06.2002, 04:41

Hey wait a sec...

some of those textures have very familiar color schemes... :D

Edwards, what part of Oregon are you from?

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Post #9by D.Edwards » 04.06.2002, 08:29

Which textures are you speaking of? If you mean the gasgiant textures than that is a strong posibility. Many of them are based on other textures and then had the modified jupiter/gasgiant cloud map aplied to them in photoshop. A few of them are from Rassilons various creations also modified the same way. None of them are straight out the way they started. I don't even think I could recreate them the same way now do to changes I have made to the jupiter/gasgiant cloud map changes I have continued to do. I still have the original files I just couldn't remember all the changes in contrast and brightness and not to mention color shifting I did to them in the proccess. If you on the other hand are speaking of the volcanic moon or the second post of the other moon you would be right. Both are based on the cloudless Venus map. I mentioned in a early post how I put the Volcanic moon textures together. The other moon shot was simply another slightly color ajusted Venus map with oceans painted in. I call the second moon Dark Waters because the oceans are nearly black. I have another shot of this moon but didn't post it because I didn't want to give away a few little suprises I have here and there in the HD 28185 system when I release it.
I have put the release off another week because of the lack of new textures and I have had to use some of the ones supplied with Celestia. I am in the process of making a few new ones or modifying other textures to fill the gaps. Some of the moons will look hauntingly familiar but they will vary from the original maps enough to keep the look feel of the system as alien as possible. I never really said the textures where my personal creations. That’s very difficult to do and make them look real and its easier to adjust and modify the texture maps that already exsist for what you need then for.
As for what part of Oregon I'm in. I live in Albany Oregon. I hope that answers all your questions. :)

PS. I just checked on some of the gasgaint textures and yes a few of yours are in there under the clouds somewhere. I will update the read me file included in the zip to add your credit where needed and also stress that all the textures are based on other textures. Sorry if I steped on your toes.

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Post #10by Rassilon » 04.06.2002, 15:17

You might want to consider searching for various pictures of rock formations...various textures of water and metal...combining these can form some interesting planet surfaces...Wood grain textures work well with gas giant planets as well...

Check the 3d studio max texture sites or some for Adobe...
I'm trying to teach the cavemen how to play scrabble, its uphill work. The only word they know is Uhh and they dont know how to spell it!

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Post #11by BreadMan » 04.06.2002, 22:11

D.Edwards wrote:PS. I just checked on some of the gasgaint textures and yes a few of yours are in there under the clouds somewhere. I will update the read me file included in the zip to add your credit where needed and also stress that all the textures are based on other textures. Sorry if I steped on your toes.

Not in the least. I said in the readme that I didn't mind people using them for their own purposes. I was actually a bit impressed with the way you modified them, and a little annoyed I didn't think of it myself :D I don't have the patience to make something as detailed as the jupiter texture included in celestia, but your process seemed to work out just fine. Anyway, looking forward to seeing progress on your's and Ras's little project, let me know if you want any more color schemes :wink: I'm always posting this link,, maybe you can find it useful. It's a good source of inspiration.
And oh yeah, I was just curious about where you lived because I'm from Mt. Shasta, CA which is right on the Oregon border. Just wondering if we might be neighbors or something :)

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