Hires Moon textures/bump maps

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Hires Moon textures/bump maps

Post #1by amoroso » 13.06.2003, 09:56

Where can I find high resolution textures and bump maps of the Moon? I mean something like this:

http://www.celestiaproject.net/gallery/view_ph ... _norm_comp


This page:


does mention the moon.dds file, but I am unable to locate a link.


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Post #2by praesepe » 13.06.2003, 11:01

Hi Paolo,

This first link you provide is Jen's 4k Moon+normal map, which is found on the old Rassilon's shatters account, check:

Moon map -> http://www.celestiaproject.net/~rassilon/jim/moon4k.jpg

Normal map -> http://www.celestiaproject.net/~rassilon/jim/m ... lmap4k.zip

The other two are shots from the old 8k dds texture of the Moon derived from the Clementine texture that is available on the dasmirnov ftp server:

Greets :P


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Post #3by jim » 13.06.2003, 22:02

Hi Paolo and praesepe,

My moon normal map was build for former versions of Celestia. The latest Celestia (v1.3.1pre3) works now with 'standard' normal maps that means the red channel of my normal map must be mirrored. This can be done with the most photo editors.

At the moment I work on a new 8K moon texture without strippes. But I can't say when it's ready ;-)

Bye Jens

p.s. I searched the net for a real Moon bump map, but I found only some parts or a lowres colored and shadded map. It seems that a real bump map is at the moment not available.

John Van Vliet
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Post #4by John Van Vliet » 14.06.2003, 00:05

you can also look at my site

PS. i am remodling the bassment so there wont be any new textures soon , I am only working on Venus at the moment

Normal maps will be posted soon

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