(Chris)The focus has switched to making scripting with Lua as powerful as possible
When will Celestia support Lua scripts? 1 week, 1 month, 1 year?
Sorry to ask, but i'm looking forward to it!
I think it's a good idea to change the script system. It could be really fun to create scripts and enjoy others, but yet there's almost no script available.. probably because the current script language is not easy to handle.
Idea: Record the user input in real-time and translate it automatically in a script commands text file. When you execute it, you see exactly the same (as if it was a movie). Do you see what i mean? That would be great!!! But i don't know if it's easy to code or not
In my point of view, Script is the key to Celestia Success (sure, it's already successful, but... there are still people who buy "Starry Night" or "Red Shift" software)!
Keep the pressure