How to change the deafault colors of orbits (and labels)? I think the default colors are too bright and confuse me when to much orbits are rendered. I've selected darker tones for minor objects.
For orbits, I know there is a ssc command:
Code: Select all
OrbitColor [ 0 0.3 1 ]
But I'd prefer to change the default and don't have to worry about editing every single object in the solar system.
As stated here: it is possible to change the default via scripting. I added the commands to my start.cel script, but it gives me an error: Bad parameter list. It seems to work with a seperate .celx script, but changes are not permanent.
Which brings me to my next problem: How to tell Celestia to launch via start.cel script? When clicking on celestia.exe it loads it's default script, even though I edited start.cel. It get's annoying to start Celestia via script.
Finally, I have to say that star colors seem unrealistic to me (especially M type stars) and it would be nice to change their defaults as well. But this might be a topic for a new version of Celestia...