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Making addons on Celestia Android.

Posted: 25.09.2022, 02:55
by kirbyisbestpoyo
Hello! So I have a question about celestia mobile, how do I modify a texture for a planet/moon? I know the code its self but what's the process to do so? Do I turn a txt document to an ssc, or, the texture dosnt load even tho I put the texture in the correct folder. What's the exact process to modify, convert, insert etc. Thanks in advance! :smile:

Posted: 25.09.2022, 05:06
by Anthony_B_Russo10
Due to various limitations of Android when it comes to certain things needed to make addons it is easier to make addons on desktop Celestia and port them to mobile.

Posted: 25.09.2022, 05:09
by DaveBowman2001
You have to always convert the txt document to something Celestia can read, in the case for planets/moons, it's always in SSC format

Although (technically) you could make addons there, it is advisable to not do it on mobile as it is too difficult to pull off. We make our addons on PC (either Windows or Linux) all the time, their mobile versions are even made in PC as well.

Posted: 25.09.2022, 06:45
by kirbyisbestpoyo
Ah alright, well thank you guys for helping me out on here. I appreciate it!