I am on windows so what I do may directly apply.
I have two methods I use.
First:Give each version a distinct name in the same directory.
This runs all the versions with the exact same setup.
Second:Create a Celestia subdirectory.
Put the celestia exectuable in a subdirectory.
This allows each setup to be customized, such as txf vs ttf fonts, etc.
This one also involves some source code tweaks I use in some of my experimental forks, so it may not work for everybody.
I set IN_SUB in my solution which prepends "../../" to several path strings during compile.
I have not brought this one forward to current, so I may have forgotten a step.
I was working on adding a BASE_PATH = to the cfg file when the world decided to go nuts, been buried in work since.
Then put a celestia.cfg in each of the sub/sub directories with the following tweaks.
Code: Select all
StarDatabase "../../data/stars.dat"
StarNameDatabase "../../data/starnames.dat"
StarCatalogs [ "../../data/revised.stc"
"../../data/charm2.stc" ]
HDCrossIndex "../../data/hdxindex.dat"
SAOCrossIndex "../../data/saoxindex.dat"
GlieseCrossIndex "../../data/gliesexindex.dat"
SolarSystemCatalogs [ "../../data/solarsys.ssc"
"../../data/world-capitals.ssc" ]
DeepSkyCatalogs [ "../../data/galaxies.dsc"
"../../data/globulars.dsc" ]
AsterismsFile "../../data/asterisms.dat"
BoundariesFile "../../data/boundaries.dat"
FavoritesFile "../../favorites.cel"
DestinationFile "../../guide.cel"
Cursor "../../crosshair"
InitScript "../../start.cel"
DemoScript "../../demo.cel"
ExtrasDirectories [ "../../extras-standard" "../../extras" ]