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Socket Programming in Celestia

Posted: 28.11.2018, 03:48
by madamx
i'm student of college, i get final project about celestia, i must make a socket programming to comunication data within computer where a image capture in celestia can be send in other computer, using UDP but i dont know what must i do? someone can tell me.... please

Posted: 28.11.2018, 08:40
by onetwothree
Hi madax,

You sh'ld start with src/celestia/imagecapture.cpp. It provides 2 methods: CaptureGLBufferToJPEG and CaptureGLBufferToPNG. Unfortunately they write to files only so you sh'ld implement methods writing to a memory buffer instead. Then add a simple UDP server sending content of those buffer to clients. You can make your job easier if instead of implementing new methods you'll use temporary files.