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Big Questions that i cant seem to be able to fine

Posted: 03.10.2018, 07:41
by Joshoctober16
1:a fast easy way to convert a list object to a ssc
this is something that someone did make in the past but is broken , it takes way too long to make a asteroid one at a time , is it possible that someone would be able to make a cvs to ssc converter? would be very helpful.

2:Asteroid spectra type
this is a other thing i kinda have a hard time figuring out
in terms of Number what are every type spectral average?
in terms of RGB and Albedo?

3:TNOs types
this is something i also cant find info on
all the minor planets before them i can seperate but i notice when i tried to look for scatterd objects.. it got me confsued
what is all the difference in terms of Semi-major axis , Eccentricity , Inclination for the TNO types?

Added after 1 hour 20 minutes:
4: Satellite Update
ok so i do know that for example satellites in celestia are not up to date , from stuff like drag , but i was wondering could it be possible that the file the orbit is from could well.... update by it self? im not sure if you understand what i mean , but i was able to do this in a non celestia thing, so i wonder if it could be possible?

Added after 8 minutes 44 seconds:
5: Size script
Is it possible to make (for example) a object grow in size Smoothly or even vanish in transparency not in a way it goes form there to nothing in
a milasec?

sorry i know im asking alot of questions

6:Geo Position change
now this one... lets see.... is it possible to make a object (lets take for example a car on planet earth) move around on the surface , like how spacecraft uses the XYZ script , but its fix on the planets geographic cod instead of space?

Posted: 03.10.2018, 14:04
by SpaceFanatic64
Well, I'm going to try and answer your questions as best as I can.

1. I'm not sure how to do that, but as for why it may not have been working, try typing a tilde (~), and it will open debug mode. Scroll up until you find the error. Then you can go back and fix it.

2. You can't actually assign spectral type values, but you can change the color and albedo. The closest thing would be to assign a specular map to the asteroid.

3. Every TNO has different definitions for Semi Major Axis, Eccentricity, and Inclination. It's easy though. Just input the coordinates into an SSC file.

4. You can update orbital information by looking for the most up to date information on the web, and then replace the coordinates.

5. As far as I know, no. The beginning and ending commands will make them appear and disappear out of thin air.

6. Well, kind of. If you're really good at coding SSCs, you can create an illusion to make it appear that it is moving.

Posted: 04.10.2018, 03:42
by Joshoctober16
thanks for trying :)


1:il try to find it again the one that was made but wont work for me , when i have time

2:no this isnt what i mean by that i mean by for example
here it just says high / low / mid for the albedo , but what are they in as number sense in terms of 0 to 0.2 to 1 type of number?

also for each spectral type what are they in RGB type of color? in terms of average im talking about.

3:i would want to seperate my ssc files for example (Classical KBOs , Resonant KBOs , Scattered disc objects , Sednoids) however some dont explain there different orbital types comparing of them?

4:ya that is the issue... i have to go in and change it all the time , and there are over 400+ sattelites out there , data changes all the time, i mean somthing that works like a RSS feed?

5:this is for the size as well correct?

6:oh ok thanks i guess i have to look up some more stuff on this.

Posted: 04.10.2018, 04:52
by SpaceFanatic64
here it just says high / low / mid for the albedo , but what are they in as number sense in terms of 0 to 0.2 to 1 type of number?

also for each spectral type what are they in RGB type of color? in terms of average im talking about.
Well, you can look up SSC files in the Wikibooks for Celestia, because there is a section on coding values for colors. In other words, you mix number values to create the desired color. Effectively, you can also change the albedo values to the ones listed.

Posted: 04.10.2018, 09:10
by gironde
1:a fast easy way to convert a list object to a ssc
this is something that someone did make in the past but is broken , it takes way too long to make a asteroid one at a time , is it possible that someone would be able to make a cvs to ssc converter? would be very helpful.

From a csv file from JPL Nasa, you have to use Excel to edit it.
Open a new table and open the txt / csv file with the filter provided in Excel.

Excel recovers the data with the colonnation.
After using the 'concat' ('concatener') function, we can manipulate the file: add the ssc functions then the data, the line breaks, the carriage returns, the tabs. (sequence [RNT] for example)
Once all concatenated lines are retrieved, they must be copied to a text file with notepad ++. With notepad it is necessary to use the extended mode, to replace the sequence or sequences ([RN], [RNT, ([T]) by their equivalent in this editor.

[R] = \ r
[N] = \ n
[T] = \ t
the 3 can be combined

With this method, I was able to edit 15000 asteroids.


Posted: 04.10.2018, 10:16
by Joshoctober16
wait why hasn't any one made a tutorial of what you just said above?

also here is the one i was talking about
however when i tried it , it gave me a error.

if anyone can test it out tell me if it gives ya a error as well.

Posted: 04.10.2018, 10:37
by selden
4: Satellite Update
ok so i do know that for example satellites in celestia are not up to date , from stuff like drag , but i was wondering could it be possible that the file the orbit is from could well.... update by it self? im not sure if you understand what i mean , but i was able to do this in a non celestia thing, so i wonder if it could be possible?
Possible, yes, but someone (you?) would have to write a Lua function to do it.

All SSC objects can have their positions calculated by a "ScriptedOrbit". ScriptedOrbits are functions written in Lua which can make an object move anywhere in the solar system. Lua functions can read files to decide where to position the SSC object.
5: Size script
Is it possible to make (for example) a object grow in size Smoothly or even vanish in transparency not in a way it goes form there to nothing in
a milasec?
Yes, but again, someone (the person writing the SSC catalog, perhaps) would have to write a Lua function to make it happen.
There are at least two different ways to implement this:
1. See my answer to question #4. ScriptedOrbits can have "side effects". The Lua function can call the Celestia functions which change the Radius or Visibility of an object.

2. A separate CelX script (which is written in Lua) can call the Celestia functions which change the Radius or Visibility of an object.
6:Geo Position change
now this one... lets see.... is it possible to make a object (lets take for example a car on planet earth) move around on the surface , like how spacecraft uses the XYZ script , but its fix on the planets geographic cod instead of space?

1. When an SSC entry references an xyz or xyzv trajectory, that trajectory's positions are relative to the object's "Path". For example;
if the object is defined as
"Obj" "Sol" {...}
the xyz coordinates are relative to the Sun.

If the object is defined as
"Obj" "Sol/Earth" {...}
the xyz coordinates are relative to the Earth.

If the object is defined as
"Obj" "Sol/Earth/OnEarth" {...}
the xyz coordinates are relative to the location "OnEarth" which you've previously defined.

2. Another way is to use a ScriptedOrbit instead of an xyz trajectory. See my answers to questions 4 and 5 above.

SSC catalogs, CelX scripts, ScriptedOrbits, xyz and xyzv trajectories are all described in detail in the Celestia WikiBook.

The Lua programming language has its own Web and Wiki sites. Celestia v1.6.1 uses Lua v5.1.

There are several different versions of Celestia v1.7. Some of them use more recent versions of Lua but they all should work if you limit yourself to Lua v5.1 constructs.

Posted: 19.10.2018, 04:11
by Joshoctober16
uh i have... a odd issue? when its sol it works fine , when its Sol/Earth it works fine but when i put Sol/Earth/OnEarth it wont work... is somthing wrong? i dont get why the OnEarth part wont work

Posted: 19.10.2018, 11:34
by CM1215
Joshoctober16 wrote:uh i have... a odd issue? when its sol it works fine , when its Sol/Earth it works fine but when i put Sol/Earth/OnEarth it wont work... is somthing wrong? i dont get why the OnEarth part wont work
Hi Joshoctober16, is this "OnEarth" an object defined elsewhere in an SSC file? If it isn't then it won't work. The "Sol/Earth/OnEarth" that you are trying to use tells Celestia that your object is a satellite of an object called "OnEarth", and if "OnEarth" doesn't exist, then the object will not load.

Posted: 19.10.2018, 11:38
by selden
There are many things that can go wrong in an object definition.

Celestia's console log might help to find what's wrong. Type a tilde (~) to toggle the log. Use up- and down-arrow keys to navigate in it.

If you want someone to help, please provide the full text of what you're trying to do. Attaching it in a Zip file might be appropriate.