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SSC Location File Coding

Posted: 01.09.2012, 23:51
by jeffmack
I apologize in advance for asking a question about something that, I am sure, must be documented somewhere - but I just spent a couple of hours searching documents and this forum, and I'll be darned if I can find it anywhere!

I would like to find the documentation for coding the SSC Location File parameters (LongLat, Importance, Type, Size, etc.). I would like to add my own home location to Earth, and the MSL Curiosity Rover's landing site location to Mars, for example.


Re: SSC Location File Coding

Posted: 02.09.2012, 23:03
by John Van Vliet
--- edit ---

Re: SSC Location File Coding

Posted: 03.09.2012, 02:07
by jeffmack
Thanks bdfd and John. That's exactly what I was looking for! The only thing not explained is why the directive "Importance" is expressed as a two-decimal place value in all of the examples I've seen (such as "150.71"). Is it just to provide increased granularity? Or is there some separate significance to the digits after the decimal point? If anyone knows, I'd be grateful for the answer. Thanks again!

Re: SSC Location File Coding

Posted: 03.09.2012, 02:21
by Fenerit
The Importance is "distance-sensitive" and more, thus the "granularity" is important :o Take a look at this thread about it.

Re: SSC Location File Coding

Posted: 03.09.2012, 02:30
by Fenerit
Maybe this thread is more useful.

Re: SSC Location File Coding

Posted: 03.09.2012, 02:57
by jeffmack
Great threads! Thank you, Fenerit!