Use Notepad. Wordpad will probably insert binary formatting codes, which will confuse things.
I usually use this procedure:
run Celestia
goto viewpoint
Type Ctrl-C
open the addon's folder
right click in an empty area
in the popup menu select New > Text Document
change the file's name name to be addon.html
answer "yes" when it complains that you're changing the file extension
right-click on the new file
select Open With... (if you select Open, it would run the Web browser)
in the popup menu select Notepad (or other text editor)
Notepad opens showing an empty document
To add a url:
type Ctrl-V (this command inserts the contents of the clipboard into the document)
A long cryptic Cel URL appears in the document
Above the url, insert the text
Below the url, insert the text
type Ctrl-S (this command saves the contents of the document to the file on disk)
don't exit from Notepad yet (you may want to insert more urls)
double click on the file's icon.
It opens in a browser
The words "My Url" should be visible, highlighted as if they are a Web link (they are)
click on the URL
Celestia should come to the foreground showing the same viewpoint as before
change Celestia's viewpoint to look elsewhere
click on the URL
Celestia's viewpoint should return to the same viewpoint as before
The very first time you click on a Cel URL in a browser, it'll complain and ask if you really want to have it run a program. Answer yes.
Whenever you save new URLs to the HTML file, be sure to click on the browser's "refresh" button so it'll read the updated version of the file.