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Problem with cel url in linux (ubuntu)

Posted: 02.11.2009, 12:14
by Pitigrilli

im just started with celestia(1.5.1). I want to use cel-urls in a html file (here link on a planet). It works under windows, but fails in Linux.
I get the Url with CTRL-C (view on uranus) and pasted it in a html-document.
After clicking the link, celestia will be openend, i can read that the planet uranus is selected but the distance ist Mpc (the x are unreadable). Down on the right side it reads follow uranus. The same Problem, when i test the cel-url example in the offical documentation (Mars and Phobos, page 40).
When i click G (goto). The distance is getting smaller until it jumpes again to Mpc.

Im using Celestia 1.5,1
Ubuntu Jaunty ( same Problem with Debian Lenny)

I cant imagine, that i'm the only one with this Problem, but a search with Google and in the Forum have give no result.

Thanks for your help.

PS.: I would be glad, if someone could try to reproduce this problem or could tell me, if everything works fine with another distribution.

Re: Problem with cel url in linux (ubuntu)

Posted: 04.11.2009, 19:50
by John Van Vliet
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Re: Problem with cel url in linux (ubuntu)

Posted: 13.11.2009, 11:21
by duds26
Which package?
(Using ubuntu 9.10)
There is this new Software Center thing.
Celestia shows up but it's that old version.

How to get the newest version?
In Synaptic Package Manager.
There are packages labeled Celestia with other stuff in the string but which ones should I take?
Should I look there at all?

Re: Problem with cel url in linux (ubuntu)

Posted: 13.11.2009, 17:40
by John Van Vliet
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