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Is it possible to define your own controls?

Posted: 10.10.2009, 09:30
by drtortoise

I was wondering if it is possible to define your own controls, you know like "a" is accelerate and "z" is slow down, what if I want "s" to be accelerate and "d" to be slow down?

The reason I ask is becuase I would like to use a small "num pad" istead of the whole keyboard.

A little bit of background of what I'm doing - I'm a student at Hyper Island in Stockhom, Sweden, and we have to make an exhibition about experience technology. We are making a little spaceship, with Celestia projected onto the space ship "window". Then, we're making an arduino laser harp as a controller ("break laser one to roll left for instance). Now we have it hooked up to a keyboard, so that when the first laser is broken it presses the left arrow key. But the keyboard is really big and we have to "hide it" to make hte space ship look cooler. So something smaller like a num pad would be awesome.

All help much appreciated!!

Re: Is it possible to define your own controls?

Posted: 10.10.2009, 11:34
by selden
Keyboard commands for Celestia can be defined in a CelX script. They'll only be active while the script is running, though, which makes them somewhat fragile.

One way to do it is described in the Celestia WikiBook at ... _with_CELX

Re: Is it possible to define your own controls?

Posted: 10.10.2009, 21:12
by John Van Vliet
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Re: Is it possible to define your own controls?

Posted: 19.10.2009, 08:27
by drtortoise
Thanks for the help everyone =)
I'll let you know how the laser har controller turns out

Re: Is it possible to define your own controls?

Posted: 20.10.2009, 07:00
by piellepi
Hi celestians!
John, do you think it's possible to have also in Windows these features of KDE? 8O
I use an italian keyboard, so I can't execute some commands. :(
Thanks a lot! :wink: