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Can I start fullscreen?

Posted: 29.09.2009, 17:50
by Blaunarwal
Couldn't find an answer to this question here in the forum nor in the faq.

Is it possible to start celestia in fullscreen mode at 1680x1050?

I could imagine this can be done with a celx command in celestia.cfg or start.cel.
With windows properties of celestia.exe, start maximized, i don't get a fullscreen. I also checked the registry. There's a setting fullscreen, value was 32. Which one is needed for fullscreen? I had expected rather 1/0 than 32. Any idea?


Re: Can I start fullscreen?

Posted: 29.09.2009, 18:15
by selden
If you're running under Windows XP, you can change the properties of Celestia's icon to include "--fullscreen" in the target field. Presumably Vista and 7 are similar.

right-mouse-button click on the icon
at the bottom of the popup menu, select Properties...
in the popup Celestia Properties window,
select the Shortcut tab
in the Target field
scroll all the way to the right and insert
but replace <space> by the spacebar, and each <minus> by the minus sign (-):
The result should look like

Code: Select all

"C:\Program Files\Celestia\celestia.exe" --fullscreen

Then click on OK.

Now when you double click on Celestia's desktop icon, it'll open full screen, with no borders.

Re: Can I start fullscreen?

Posted: 29.09.2009, 19:21
by Blaunarwal
It works...also with Vista, as presumed. :D

Re: Can I start fullscreen?

Posted: 19.11.2009, 15:27
by straight
Is there a way to start full screen at a particular resolution?

For some reason, when I start Celestial with the "-- fullscreen" option, it starts at 1360 x 768, but my desktop is set at 1440 x 900.

I'd like Celestia to start at 1440 x 900.

I'm running in Windows XP.

Re: Can I start fullscreen?

Posted: 19.11.2009, 19:25
by selden
The Windows version of Celestia has a menu of screen resolutions under Render / Set Display Mode.
My experience is that once it has been opened fullscreen with a specified resolution, it continues to use that same resolution when it is run again.

Re: Can I start fullscreen?

Posted: 20.11.2009, 07:18
by straight
Thanks for the reply, Selden.

For some reason, no matter how many times I select 1440 x 900 x 32 from that menu, Celestia keeps going back to 1360 x 768.

It does that both if I use the -- fullscreen switch in the program's shortcut or if I use ALT-ENTER to switch to full screen.

Is there a setting in the registry or something where it keeps track of the most recently used resolution? Is there a command I could add to celestia.cfg to set the resolution where I want it?

Re: Can I start fullscreen?

Posted: 20.11.2009, 12:51
by selden
The resolution should be in a Celestia registry entry. Sorry, though, I don't know its name.

Windows often does strange thing when asked to use a resolution which is not listed in the data file for the specific display model. I don't know if that might be the problem here.

Re: Can I start fullscreen?

Posted: 20.11.2009, 21:36
by straight
Hey! I think I fixed it. I selected my desired resolution and then hit ALT-ENTER a couple times switching back and forth between a window and full screen before closing Celestia. That seems to have made it register which resolution I wanted because it's stuck on the right one now when I go to full screen.
