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Celestia 1.6: *.png and *.psd problem

Posted: 06.08.2009, 20:00
by Fenerit
Celestia 1.6 seem sensible to the *.* specification amongst *.png and *.psd. When I build an add-on, usually I place a PSD layer with the same name of the PNG texture I'm workin' on within the \my_add-on\medres\ folder. In testing the add-on I've found systematic crashes until I remove the *.psd. Done this, no problem at all.

Does someone has found this behaviour?

Re: Celestia 1.6: *.png and *.psd problem

Posted: 08.08.2009, 02:37
by DonAVP
PSD files are Adobe Photoshop files I don't believe Celestia understand these files. PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files are used by Celestia. There main feature is that it supports an alpha channel that add transparency to the image. Cloud images over plants are a good example of PNG files. I like them even if I don't have an alpha channel because they are small in size like JPG files but without the artifacts that can appear in JPG files.


Re: Celestia 1.6: *.png and *.psd problem

Posted: 13.08.2009, 03:12
by John Van Vliet
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Re: Celestia 1.6: *.png and *.psd problem

Posted: 13.08.2009, 09:31
by Fenerit
john Van Vliet wrote:celestia dose not support the proprietary Adobe image format ( .psd)
that format is CLOSED source.

by this
usually I place a PSD layer
do you mean a TRANSPARENT layer ???????

what is YOUR definition of a PSD layer -- i do not know of it .

Suppose I might do an add-on with texture called X. I make a X.PSD file in the X\textures\medres folder and begin to picture it. Then I save it as X.PNG. Whitin the CMOD model, as texture I specify X.*. Working in same folder allow to me the task of avoiding to surf amongst folders in search of file to "open" an to "save as". As you have noticed, I leave the "*" because I'm sure that Celestia will load just the X.PNG. Instead, When I test the add-on, when I load it or when "arrive" to it from a fly, Celestia crash. Just when I remove the X.PSD file, Celestia doesn't crash anymore. For this I wonder whether Celestia does unable to "choose" as X.* beetwen X.PSD and X.PNG, perhaps also for the "P" in both files.

I apologize for my unclearness, it's my bad English.

Re: Celestia 1.6: *.png and *.psd problem

Posted: 13.08.2009, 18:00
by John Van Vliet
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Re: Celestia 1.6: *.png and *.psd problem

Posted: 17.08.2009, 16:29
by Fenerit
Indeed diversely named file amongst PSD and PNG will be normal with 1.60. I wonder why with ver. 1.31 to 1.5 this hadn't place.
Thanks for reply, nonetheless.

Waiting for your Phobos' news. :wink: