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Can't create stars

Posted: 12.05.2009, 00:15
by thefallenghost
I'm new to Celestia and I have been attempting over the last few days to create a couple of new stars and have managed to do so with a 100% success rate on two occasions. However I have had problems creating these stars:
[C:\Program Files\Celestia\extras\RCW79_3D\TYC]
"TYC 8991-1972-1"
RA 205.17108
Dec -61.77422
Distance 1000.1
#AppMag 9.18
AbsMag 1.75
SpectralType "?"
For this star, I can see it in the type-in search but have not been able to actually select it by that means - even though I managed once to select it by simply finding it on the screen.

[C:\Program Files\Celestia\extras\RCW79_3D\Double]
"CCDM J13414-6152A:TYC 8991-538-1:HIP 66795:HD 118885:SAO 252413:PPM 360263:** JSP 591A:ALS 16970"
#Double or multiple star CCDM J13414-6152AB. Doubtful...See ... =submit+id
RA 205.35863
Dec -61.86796
Distance 534.6940757
#AppMag 8.20
AbsMag 2.13 #Estimated from parallax 6.1mas
SpectralType "G0D" #...
InfoURL ""

"CCDM J13414-6152B:HIP 66795J:HD 118885J"
RA 205.35899281
Dec -61.86811023
Distance 3261.56 #Range varies from 2489.74 to 8153.9
#AppMag 9.50 #Estimate according to Hmag
AbsMag -0.5 #Estimate from parallax 1.0 (-0.37 with error 1.68-->1.0) Can be from -5.5 to 0.08635647828 (1.31>_plx>_0.4)
SpectralType "G0D" #...
InfoURL ""
I've had the same problems with these two.

For the next 3, the wbm 2,3,5 folder was not part of the original add-on. Also, I will explain their collective problem after I finish enumerating them.
[C:\Program Files\Celestia\extras\V838Mon_Nova\wbm2003 2,3,5\[wbm2003]]
"[WBM2003] 2:M05 197"
RA 106.02083
Dec -3.84667
Distance 20000
SpectralType "B6V"
AbsMag -0.9 # V mag 16.02
InfoURL ""

[C:\Program Files\Celestia\extras\V838Mon_Nova\wbm2003 2,3,5\[wbm2003]]
"[WBM2003] 3:M05 110"
RA 106.02500
Dec -3.85000
Distance 20000
SpectralType "B3V"
AbsMag -1.6 # V mag 14.79
InfoURL ""

[C:\Program Files\Celestia\extras\V838Mon_Nova\wbm2003 2,3,5\[wbm2003]]
"[WBM2003] 5:M05 159"
RA 106.02917
Dec -3.85167
Distance 20000 #11309.16911?
SpectralType "B4V"
#AppMag 15.00 #V mag
AbsMag -1.4
InfoURL ""
Problems for the last three stars: 1- I can only see them from very few angles, especially when I rotate around them. That is to say the spherical white object which is the star simply disappears at most angles of view, leaving only the red selection reticule behind them.
2 - Their names are shown mostly when the view angle is opposite to our solar system. In other words, the names only show up when I look at them from the back of the add-on.

Here is the V838 add-on, for which I have modified only the name:
Nebula "V838:Not a nebula"
Mesh "V838.3ds"
Radius 0.5
RA 7.068013889
Dec -3.847527778
Distance 20000
Axis [-0.803595 0.581121 0.128582]
Angle 32.0703
InfoURL ""

Thanks in advance.

Re: Can't create stars

Posted: 12.05.2009, 10:25
by selden
What version of Celestia are you running?

1. Distances greater than 16,000 light years were not usable in versions of Celestia before v1.5.1. They had symptoms similar to what you describe.

2. When redefining stars that are in the Hipparcos catalog, you must specify the HIP index number separately, not as part of the star's name:

Code: Select all

Star 66795 "CCDM J13414-6152A..." {...}

3. When defining stars with Tycho numbers but no Hipparcos number, you should specify a pseudo-Hipparcos index using the algorithm specified in the Celestia WikiBook at ... og_Numbers

Does this help?

Re: Can't create stars

Posted: 12.05.2009, 15:59
by thefallenghost
Thanks for numbers 2 and 3. However, I am running Celestia 1.5.1. Therefore, I don't understand what's the problem with my 3 WBMs...
And by the way, I did change the initial star in the package and it seems to be working fine...It's in the dead center of the circular "3-D" circle which is V838 (the original add-on).

Re: Can't create stars

Posted: 12.05.2009, 16:28
by selden
It's a bug in v1.5.1, fixed in v1.6.

Celestia v1.6.0RC1 is available for testing. See viewtopic.php?f=2&t=13710