Green circle displayed around each object

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Green circle displayed around each object

Post #1by LucMorizur » 13.08.2024, 09:34

Hi, and many thanks for Celestia.

As shown on screenshot, a green circle is displayed around each object:

Screenshot showing green circle around each object

I searched, but didn't find how to remove this?

I think it's the first time I use Celestia on this laptop, so I can't tell what made this happen.

Many thanks!

Gurren Lagann
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Post #2by Gurren Lagann » 13.08.2024, 12:40

Oh, those are the open cluster labels. You can thank or blame me for that...
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Post #3by SevenSpheres » 13.08.2024, 14:05

Yes, you can disable open cluster labels in the "View Options" dialog.
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Post #4by LucMorizur » 18.08.2024, 08:24

Many thanks for your help! I don't think I shall blame anyone for anything on Celestia...

Well in fact, each of objects "Galaxies", "Nebulæ", "Open clusters", and "Globular clusters", are displayed with those green circles.


And to be honest, I don't see the purpose of these circles, so to represent these objects?

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