Troubles Creating a Star System with .SSC & .STC files

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Troubles Creating a Star System with .SSC & .STC files

Post #1by LX97046 » 18.01.2023, 00:03

I've been following the PDFs on SSC and STC file scripting, however, the respective files I made are being read, but not showing up in the Solar System Browser.

I'm fairly certain my syntax is correct; both files are in Celestia/extras

Perhaps those documents have since been deprecated and no longer work with this newest version of Celestia? Or is the Solar System Browser not the correct means to go to the created system?

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Post #2by SevenSpheres » 18.01.2023, 00:14

LX97046 wrote:Or is the Solar System Browser not the correct means to go to the created system?

Correct, the Solar System Browser shows objects in the Solar System (or whatever planetary system you're currently in). To go to a different system, first press Enter, type its name, and press Enter again to select it, then press G to go to it. You should then be able to use the Solar System Browser to see objects in the new system.

Wikibooks probably has more up-to-date information on Celestia and creating content for it than whatever PDF guides you're using.
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