Hai sir,
screenshot = celestia:takescreenshot("jpg") is not working.
Sequence of commands are as below, please not that all variables in my script are working fine, I wanted to automatically store screenshot images.
tdb_dt = celestia:utctotdb(2010, 06, 21, 00, x, y)
screenshot = celestia:takescreenshot("jpg")
Please help me
screenshot command not working
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Please help to make this forum more useful by checking the FAQs before posting! Keep it clean, keep it civil, keep it truthful, stay on topic, be responsible, share your knowledge.
Topic authorcelestia_user
- Posts: 4
- Joined: 05.06.2010
- With us: 14 years 8 months
Please file the issue here with details of your set up.
- Site Admin
- Posts: 706
- Joined: 22.09.2018
- With us: 6 years 4 months
From celestia.cfg:
You should set ScriptScreenshotDirectory to a writeable directory.
Code: Select all
# The following parameter is used in Lua (.celx) scripting.
# ScriptScreenshotDirectory defines the directory where screenshots
# are to be stored. The default value is "", i.e. Celestia's
# installation directory.
ScriptScreenshotDirectory ""
You should set ScriptScreenshotDirectory to a writeable directory.
Topic authorcelestia_user
- Posts: 4
- Joined: 05.06.2010
- With us: 14 years 8 months