VY Canis Majoris

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VY Canis Majoris

Post #1by lance1234ize » 09.01.2011, 18:25

I need help to find canis majoris (the grandest star known) Ive searched for ever and i also writed its ID (HIP 35793 and HD 58061) but it wont respond :( please help me :)

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Re: VY Canis Majoris

Post #2by ajtribick » 09.01.2011, 18:38

There are a couple of threads about VY Canis Majoris and why it isn't in the default Celestia distribution floating around here.

One of them is still on the first page of the Help Central forum. Explanation hasn't changed since then.

Danny Lorraine

Post #3by Danny Lorraine » 22.05.2018, 06:19

i have searched for VY Canis Majoris but i coudln;t find it as well . it is the largest star known at i think 2.924.000.000 km but some are saying "uy scuti" is the largest (it is not).

Danny Lorraine II

Post #4by Danny Lorraine II » 23.05.2018, 02:16

edit: i had an old account but i unfortunatetly lost it ! anyway, i made a new one .
not only could i not find VY Canis Majoris, but i could not find most of the largest stars . the ones i could find , however , had off sizes . so is there any addon to go with it ? thanks.

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