Cockpits with side views

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Cockpits with side views

Post #1by jogad » 28.09.2012, 20:21


In another thread, Thepyratecaptain presented a 3D cockpit.


fsgregs wrote:Also, the final effort can be added to Lua Edu Tools as a cockpit overlay, provided the image file is PNG with transparent windows.
It's done!
But since the original model is in 3D it's a pity to make only the front panel from it.

From the 3D model provided by Thepyratecaptain I made 12 screenshots from the pilot's right seat.


Once the windows are made transparent, these pictures are usable as cockpit views.
You can already use the first picture as a cockpit


The next pictures are the following panels shifted to the right by 30 degrees with respect to the previous one.
Note that the cockpit was torn off the ship and you can see the space through the back door.

Unfortunalely, celestia doesn't allow 3D cockpit. :(
But with Vincent's lua_edu_tool and lua_plugin programs we are able to display a 2D picture as a cockpit.

The problem is to to switch easily from one view to the following view, to the right or to the leff.
So that an object don't jump suddenly from a window to another, the space view should change with the cockpit view (but not the direction of the vessel if it's moving.) :roll:

I had already made a change to the cockpit plug-in to let it display several cockpits.
Maybe I should think of adapting it again to support several cockpit with some of them having several panels.

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