I think that it can be implemented using a separate utility, which will replace the cfg file, or move / rename folders with add-ons. After a more detailed study of the problem, I could develop such a utility.fsgregs wrote:Each journey contains a Windows link to a command file that calls a specific cfg file that opens a specific "educational-extras" folder containing only the addons needed for that one topic.
fsgregs wrote:he directions and url:cel links in how to control the program, where to go, how to orbit Mars or turn orbit lines on or off, or how to change time, or how to visit a particular nebula, MUST be written down for these kids, step by step. Even Lua Tools commands also need to be in writing.
We have improved the Lua Edu Tools (named Lua Universal Tools) by adding navigation tools, as well as reference materials and destination guides. We made it specially for the purpose of education, and that children were easier to use Celestia. Now we are preparing a detailed description with screenshots in English, is available here.