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Rings (disks) around stars?

Posted: 26.07.2017, 07:35
by john71
Is it possible to have rings (disks) around stars in Celestia?

If it is possible, how can it be achieved?

As I know rings can only be used with planets and moons...

Posted: 26.07.2017, 09:03
by selden
Unfortunately, not directly.

Celestia has several problems when trying to draw something like that. For example, it doesn't illuminate properly an object which surrounds the light source.

As I recall, the workaround is to use multiple SSC objects following one another in the same orbit.

Posted: 27.07.2017, 05:35
by john71
Thanks for the info! Yes, I use multiple ssc objects for this purpose but there are strange flashes on the screen as the viewpoint moves. The two objects are in some kind of graphic conflict with each other it seems...

Posted: 27.07.2017, 14:11
by Cham
Well, even if disks around stars aren't illuminated by the star, in Celestia, you still could make great looking disks with sprites, that feel very natural.

Just to show off what you can do in Celestia, here are a couple of models I did, several years ago.
Many of these models are still available on the forum, while some have a broken link (do a search).

In random order :

Posted: 27.07.2017, 14:12
by Cham
Since I'm restricted to only 5 pictures per post, here five more views :

Posted: 27.07.2017, 14:15
by Cham
And 5 others :

Added after 5 minutes 37 seconds:
All these models were made using a mathematical software (Mathematica, Maple, etc...) to generate the random coordinates of all the sprites.

Here's an example for you to play with. A disk around Fomalhaut :
(2.82 MiB) Downloaded 514 times
(3 MB zip file)

This is an old model made from a combination of two parts : a weak sprites model, and a texture on a smooth mesh. The effect is pretty from some angles, but not that convincing as seen from inside the disk. You can use the parts to make your own version around other stars, if you wish.

Have fun !

Posted: 27.07.2017, 15:50
by FarGetaNik
Impressive! I wish default Celestia would include some sprite models.

Posted: 27.07.2017, 16:17
by john71
Thanks Cham, very nice!

Posted: 27.07.2017, 16:41
by Cham
Here, just for your pleasure, I publish these old disk models, around HIP 114189/HR 8799, HR 4796 A and Vega :
(2.09 MiB) Downloaded 465 times
(2.2 MB zip file)

Do wathever you want with their parts. It's free for Celestia users.

EDIT : And while I'm at it, why not this other small addon :
(12.3 MiB) Downloaded 502 times
(12.9 MB zip file)

Posted: 27.07.2017, 19:32
by john71
Excellent, thanks! :clap:

Posted: 28.07.2017, 14:42
by dani3ls
Cool! You should create a motion illusion with gifs. !

Posted: 18.08.2017, 09:47
by SVision
Super :clap: ! Perhaps I'll take Your models to create your own add-ons.

Posted: 19.08.2017, 04:42
by themartian
you can also activate the emissive true code so you only have to make 1 object

Posted: 30.08.2017, 08:29
by valverie
this is so beautiful, wow
I'm new here, hi :)

Posted: 31.08.2017, 19:09
by Fenerit
I still have the Cham's protostar NGC404; if it has been loss somewhere in the net, I could upload it again.

valverie wrote:I'm new here, hi :)

Welcom to Celestia Forums! :smoke:

Posted: 17.09.2017, 14:05
by valverie
smoking kills tho :silenced:

Posted: 17.09.2017, 22:37
by Fenerit
Never mind: I've quit smoking time ago. That emoticon mean "peace and calm" for me.

Posted: 19.09.2017, 12:53
by Diigg
Hello, how do I install these addons?
I have put the corresponding folders in the Celestia extras folder, but they are not displayed as in your images.

Posted: 19.09.2017, 14:22
by Cham
Diigg, you need to go to the star's location to see the addons !

Look into the stc file (using a text editor) to identify the star you want to visit, and type its name into Celestia's console.

For example, type "Fomalhaut" or "HD 141569" in Celestia, and view them.

Posted: 23.09.2017, 11:04
by Askaniy
Cham, it looks great! Can you make a gifs using these screenshots?