To take a familiar and simple example, the Cassini mission has two different Huygens probes: one is attached to Cassini, the other--named "Huygens (free flight)"--has an orbit defined relative to the Sun. It's not possible to select Huygens and follow it throughout it's mission: if you select the "Huygens (with Cassini)", you'll find yourself drifting in empty space if you try and follow it past the point it separates from Cassini. In addition, once Huygens lands on Titan, it just disappears. There should really be a third version of Huygens at a fixed position in Titan's body-fixed reference frame. Attempting to follow Huygens through the switch from the second to third phase of the Huygens mission would be similarly confusing for users: they'd findthemselves at a fixed point in space as Titan orbits away.
I think both add-on creators and users would have a better experience if it were possible to create a single object with multiple phases, each of which could have a different trajectory and reference frame. It would then be possible to use a single SSC object for a spacecraft across the entire mission. This is much more intuitive for users, and I think it also reduces the amount of work required for add-on creators.
Here's how Huygens might look:
Code: Select all
"Huygens" "Sol"
Class "spacecraft"
Mesh "huygens.3ds"
Radius 0.00135
# Attached to Cassini
Beginning "1997 10 15 09:27"
OrbitFrame { BodyFixed { Center "Sol/Cassini" } }
FixedPosition [ ... ]
BodyFrame { BodyFixed { Center "Sol/Cassini" } }
FixedRotation { ... }
# Free flight
Beginning "2004 12 25 02:01"
OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Saturn/Titan" } }
SampledTrajectory { ... }
BodyFrame { EclipticJ2000 { } }
SampledOrientation { ... }
# Landed on Titan
Beginning "2005 1 14 09:00"
OrbitFrame { BodyFixed { Center "Sol/Saturn/Titan" } }
FixedPosition [ ... ]
BodyFrame { BodyFixed { Center "Sol/Saturn/Titan" } }
FixedRotation { ... }
Add-on creators: would you use this? And what would you do to improve it?