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Posted: 22.08.2007, 21:18
by CAP-Team
OK, I'll study that topic :)

Posted: 08.12.2007, 01:06
by revent
t00fri wrote:[...] I figure that the kernel date should be close to the respective mission configuration. But I can't even read uniquely what e.g.


is going to mean...

Ran across this message again, and I was actually just looking at the Cassini spice files earlier.

The files that PDS has archived are also on the NAIF ftp site, plus a lot of working files. There's a file in that directory called aareadme.txt that explains the file naming convention.

What it means is that that file was delivered on 8/25/05, R means it is a trajectory reconstruction (i.e. what you want), SCPSE means it is a merged kernel that has the spacecraft, satellite , and planetary ephemeris for it's period, and it spans day 186 of 2005 thru day 205 of 2005.

Posted: 08.12.2007, 09:46
by t00fri

Bye Fridger