Posts by emstef

by emstef
24.01.2010, 13:04
Forum: Help Central
Topic: New texture layer help. Editing Jupiter ssc data...
Replies: 5
Views: 3695

Re: New texture layer help. Editing Jupiter ssc data...


Thanks for the help guys and gals. Sorry I omitted some important data. I am running Mac OSX 10.5.7. I DID make the mistake of editing ssc files in a word processor. I followed all of your suggestions and I have solved the problem. Works great now. Thank you so much. :)

by emstef
10.01.2010, 07:35
Forum: Help Central
Topic: New texture layer help. Editing Jupiter ssc data...
Replies: 5
Views: 3695

New texture layer help. Editing Jupiter ssc data...

Hey guys, New to Celestia. It's wonderful. But I have a small problem. I've been recently diving into getting all these addons and such to improve my Celestia experience. One of the things I seem to not be able to accomplish is getting new layers. Specifically, I'm having problems with Jupiter. I do...

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