Posts by Cormoran

by Cormoran
18.07.2010, 18:00
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: A concept: The Celestia Toolbox
Replies: 19
Views: 17950

Re: A concept: The Celestia Toolbox

Ladies and Gentlemen, after a long absence I am back (making the rash assumption anyone remembers me and my dabblings, such as the (flawed) belt generator (as used by Mr Dollan), bits of the 40 Eridani system that Jestr did (and JJ Abrams promptly blew up) etc etc).... I have been encouraged by my n...
by Cormoran
16.10.2006, 17:47
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: hipparcos catalogue question
Replies: 4
Views: 4455

Re: hipparcos catalogue question

For age related data (14000 stars worth!) One of our illustrious colleagues pointed me at:

Some of it is rather surprising (primarily in its potential error field), but its a nice bit of kit to have


by Cormoran
11.09.2006, 17:47
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Hot Jupiters Could Give Rise to Earthlike Worlds, Study Says
Replies: 7
Views: 6377

Re: Hot Jupiters Could Give Rise to Earthlike Worlds, Study Says

I always did find the theory that hot-jupiters preclude smaller outer worlds unaesthetic, and its nice to see that the converse may be true. Maybe we'll find systems that are the reverse of our own... a Jovian in close orbit, then an asteroid belt farther out, then smaller rocky worlds. I'm starting...
by Cormoran
21.08.2006, 17:16
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Math for the Braindead (with apologies to Bob)
Replies: 6
Views: 6823

Re: Math for the Braindead (with apologies to Bob)

Gentlemen, You have my undying thanks... anytime you need an asteroid belt, just yell. The rule of cosines has been implemented in my course calculation spreadsheet and works beautifully...and now I can shut up my editor about the Delta-vee too. Drat, thats two pints I owe Cheers guys, Cormie
by Cormoran
19.08.2006, 08:38
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Math for the Braindead (with apologies to Bob)
Replies: 6
Views: 6823

Re: Math for the Braindead (with apologies to Bob)

Once again, exactly what I needed!

(Sorry, I wish I'd paid more attention in geometry...)

Thanks yet again, Scytale. I owe you a pint :lol:

by Cormoran
19.08.2006, 08:28
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: So, 12 planets eh?
Replies: 49
Views: 55500

Re: So, 12 planets eh?

I'm watching this discussion with interest (now that I can view the site :lol: ) One would assume that the commitee making the decision was and is having these same discussions. While I have no deep overall opinion on the subject, I think the IAU seem to be thinking a little too heliocentrically? Th...
by Cormoran
19.08.2006, 08:11
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Math for the Braindead (with apologies to Bob)
Replies: 6
Views: 6823

Re: Math for the Braindead (with apologies to Bob)

Scytale, Many thanks for the formulae. I would have thanked you sooner, but for some reason I've been unable to get into the site. The results are slightly counter-intuitive until you think about them (Delta-vee x 2 for a 90 degree course change). I'm now having to convince the guy I did the spreads...
by Cormoran
15.08.2006, 09:20
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Math for the Braindead (with apologies to Bob)
Replies: 6
Views: 6823

Math for the Braindead (with apologies to Bob)

Dear all, I need a little mathematical advice, unconnected with Celestia. I'm not even sure I'm phrasing the question right, so bear with me. Assume a space vehicle is in open space (no planets, gravitational influences of any kind) Assume it has expended a part of its available Delta-vee (X), to re...
by Cormoran
01.06.2006, 17:37
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Contact Binary Ages?
Replies: 12
Views: 8110

Re: Contact Binary Ages?

I have the tables...

AE Phoenicis is also known as HD 9528 (apparently)

Its given age is given at 9.1 Gigayears, with a lower limit of 4.1 and a higher limit of 13.3

Big margin of error there I know :lol:

by Cormoran
01.06.2006, 17:31
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Star cluster catalogues?
Replies: 2
Views: 2937

Re: Star cluster catalogues?

Look at this link.

Can't vouch for its accuracy, but the rest of the site seems good.


by Cormoran
31.05.2006, 20:27
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: 30 Star Shortlist
Replies: 3
Views: 3589

Re: 30 Star Shortlist

There's a listing on the ProjectRho website relatd to the Turnbull/Tarter list if thats any help. Its also consolidated into the HabHYG star list available there.


by Cormoran
29.05.2006, 13:10
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Helium worlds?
Replies: 9
Views: 10322

Re: Helium worlds?

From what you've said I would say you'd end up with what would look like a two-tier atmosphere, with the a helium envelope extending some distance beyond the heavier compounds below. Depending on the level of outgassing, I suppose you may end up with a world rather like 'Plateau' ( Tau Ceti I) from ...
by Cormoran
27.05.2006, 07:57
Forum: Petit Bistro Entropy
Topic: And the effect of this Quizz was...
Replies: 150
Views: 74709

Re: And the effect of this Quizz was...

Reverse psychology only works if no-one mentions 'reverse psychology' :lol: If the really smart people leave the forum, on indeed any particular section, those of us who are trying to improve our knowledge of the reality behind Celestia will have lost a valuable datasource. Should a teacher stop tea...
by Cormoran
23.05.2006, 18:10
Forum: Petit Bistro Entropy
Topic: Best personally witnessed astronomical events?
Replies: 7
Views: 6878

Re: Best personally witnessed astronomical events?

A few months back I saw a meteor that split as it burned up... musta been a big one, but the spray of sub-meteors was very cool... The best though by far was just after I bought my 10cm reflector... managed to find Saturn and Jupiter by hand (no motors or anything!), and seeing the rings of Saturn, ...
by Cormoran
21.05.2006, 14:34
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Catalogue of star ages
Replies: 7
Views: 6683

Re: Catalogue of star ages

Gentlemen, and in particular Ynjevi, I have now examined the Geneva-Copenhagen data, and found it to be just what I was looking for, so many thanks indeed. I'll be taking that data and cross-referencing it with the other sources cited for comparison and completeness. Thank you again, Cormie
by Cormoran
19.05.2006, 20:04
Forum: Textures
Topic: Planet texture help request.
Replies: 7
Views: 7591

Re: Planet texture help request.

Sadly I am in the process of rebuilding my PC after a nasty HD crash and lost a lot of my artwork (luckily not base data) I remember you complimenting me on how real it looked, though. I know, I'm useless :lol: When I get back up to speed I'll be doing a lot more, and you'll be the first to know Cor...
by Cormoran
19.05.2006, 19:55
Forum: Textures
Topic: Planet texture help request.
Replies: 7
Views: 7591

Re: Planet texture help request.


I seem to remember sending you some images of my world, Isis that you quite liked. Those were done using FT Pro as a starting point. They have also just boosted the functionality to do river valleys and erosion effects, so it might be worth another look-see for you


by Cormoran
19.05.2006, 18:01
Forum: Petit Bistro Entropy
Topic: 9/11,Hiroshima,diana,rita,7/7,quakes and alignments
Replies: 17
Views: 16390

Re: 9/11,Hiroshima,diana,rita,7/7,quakes and alignments

I was biting my tongue on this one out of politeness, but now I just can't... I read the small novella at the top... didn't understand how such a mass of unrelated data could be synthesised. Liked Runar's thoughts on synchronicity etc. Tried to read it again... anyone ever had that feeling after int...
by Cormoran
19.05.2006, 17:54
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Low mass sextuple systems?
Replies: 8
Views: 7120

Re: Low mass sextuple systems?

Malenfant, When you translate your system into a program, will you be including the following? 1/ Use of real stellar data (to populate the near spaces for instance)? 2/ Celestia output? I've been pursuing a similar project for about 20 years (ever since I bought 2300AD actually), and would love to ...
by Cormoran
19.05.2006, 17:48
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Catalogue of star ages
Replies: 7
Views: 6683

Re: Catalogue of star ages

Gentlemen, Thank you for your assistance. I will examine these sources over the weekend. In my current activities, I am discovering quite how much we DON'T know about stars (and the good reasons behind that lack of knowledge). Also, I am finding how approximate some of the mathematical approximation...

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