Good to know it's being kept somewhere.
BTW, I don't know what's "necroposting". I'm not dead. Just less active. That script is still useful as it is, I hope somebody will improve it in the future.
Regards, you all,
Posts by abramson
- 06.04.2024, 22:54
- Forum: Add-on development
- Topic: Asteroids scripted extraction from MPCORB.DAT
- Replies: 58
- Views: 241152
- 30.11.2020, 22:18
- Forum: Announcements
- Topic: Celestia 1.6.2 is out
- Replies: 61
- Views: 182744
Re: Celestia 1.6.2 is out
Thanks, everybody.
- 18.06.2020, 21:48
- Forum: Help Central
- Topic: Anybody besides me tired of constant captchas getting here?
- Replies: 37
- Views: 26822
Re: Anybody besides me tired of constant captchas getting here?
I get the captchas every time, and I thought it was for everyone. First I check the I am not a robot thing, and immediately I am asked a TWO PAGES check all the X's, cars, bridges, etc. It's the only instance with two pages I have ever encountered. And it is tipically very difficult, with minuscule ...
- 29.03.2020, 22:15
- Forum: Development
- Topic: Mobile Celestia for Android
- Replies: 91
- Views: 201066
Re: Mobile Celestia for Android
I downloaded it and it run very well on a Moto G7. Thanks!
- 08.02.2018, 13:24
- Forum: Celestia Users
- Topic: So... is anyone working on adding the tesla/spacex/musk roadster?
- Replies: 6
- Views: 7643
Re: So... is anyone working on adding the tesla/spacex/musk roadster?
Sure. The orbital elements are already in the JPL Horizons system. I have just made an ssc. Reaches Mars orbit in july. Back close to Earth in 2026. Now we need a nice model...
Unpack teh zip file anywhere in your extras folder. Enjoy.
Unpack teh zip file anywhere in your extras folder. Enjoy.
- 30.11.2017, 18:54
- Forum: Add-on development
- Topic: Request: 'Oumuamua
- Replies: 3
- Views: 4413
Re: Request: 'Oumuamua
Sure. Unzip in your Extras folder. The ssc contains both a keplerian orbit and a trajectory generated with JPL Horizons. The problem with the keplerian orbit is that Celestia does not show the trajectory of hyperbolic orbits even if the object is selected. But otherwise, both work. The sampled traje...
- 01.06.2013, 13:11
- Forum: Development
- Topic: How to develop trajectory for Chelyabinsk Meteor
- Replies: 7
- Views: 7354
Re: How to develop trajectory for Chelyabinsk Meteor
I downloaded your addon, but unfortunately I've not been able to replicate the accuracy of the trajectory that you obviously were able to in the making of this video. Sorry, the uploaded addon contains just the published elements. As you notice, I had to tweak them to make the orbit intersect the E...
- 31.05.2013, 16:04
- Forum: Development
- Topic: How to develop trajectory for Chelyabinsk Meteor
- Replies: 7
- Views: 7354
Re: How to develop trajectory for Chelyabinsk Meteor
I made a short video showing the last half orbit of the Chelyabinsk meteor and its fall over Chelyabinsk. I very small retouch of Zuluaga's mean orbital data, within their standard deviations, was enough to have it falling in the right place. Enjoy!
- 28.05.2013, 15:08
- Forum: Development
- Topic: No more file updates from me
- Replies: 12
- Views: 13364
Re: No more file updates from me
granthutchison wrote:I'll be making no more updates to the extrasolar planet files.
Thank you for all the work during these years, Grant. Your uploads where the only updates of late. I think I will make a final SCN check and freeze my version of Celestia.
- 26.05.2013, 21:38
- Forum: Development
- Topic: How to develop trajectory for Chelyabinsk Meteor
- Replies: 7
- Views: 7354
Re: How to develop trajectory for Chelyabinsk Meteor
Hi. I have made an ssc file for the computed trajectory of the Cheliabinsk meteoroid. The orbit was calculated by Jorge Zuluaga et al., using geometrical analysis of the videos. His results appeared in the arxiv of physics preprints, but I used an update found at his webpage: FACom . The result is r...
- 24.05.2013, 02:24
- Forum: Textures
- Topic: Closeups of Saturn's Rings - 3 versions
- Replies: 8
- Views: 9284
Re: Closeups of Saturn's Rings - 3 versions
Someone over at Arizona has it on line, though
- 23.04.2013, 20:04
- Forum: Help Central
- Topic: I don't know how to use the edit mode.
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3806
Re: I don't know how to use the edit mode.
Hi, CelestialFansInChina! You enter edit mode with @. You probably want to do something more: Start Celestia in verbose mode (from command line): celestia --verbose > align.log Go to object as usual Enter edit mode: @ Rotate around X and Y with ctrl+shift+left button+drag Rotate around Z with ctrl+s...
- 21.04.2013, 19:16
- Forum: Physics and Astronomy
- Topic: Comets Lemmon and PanSTARRS
- Replies: 3
- Views: 5314
Re: Comets Lemmon and PanSTARRS
And the two comets...
- 21.04.2013, 19:15
- Forum: Physics and Astronomy
- Topic: Comets Lemmon and PanSTARRS
- Replies: 3
- Views: 5314
Comets Lemmon and PanSTARRS
I hope everybody caught at least a bit of comet PanSTARRS last month. For those of you that haven't, let me tell you that it was a treat, and let me share a few pictures I shot. Additionaly, from my latitudes we could see also another bright comet at the same time, which was amazing. Comet Lemmon wa...
- 20.04.2013, 21:44
- Forum: Petit Bistro Entropy
- Topic: The Sky at Night Appreciation Thread
- Replies: 43
- Views: 63684
Re: The Sky at Night Appreciation Thread
Thanks, Bob. I don't know if I posted my images here. Please go to my Flickr photostream to view some more, starting with this one of Lemmon and 47 Tucanae and backwards from there.
- 21.03.2013, 15:36
- Forum: Petit Bistro Entropy
- Topic: The Sky at Night Appreciation Thread
- Replies: 43
- Views: 63684
Re: The Sky at Night Appreciation Thread
I have been contacted again by the producers of The Sky at Night. My images of comets PanSTARRS and Lemmon will show up on unday 7th April, BBC1 and Thursday, BBC4, 11th April. I cannot watch the programme from Argentina, but someone else could be interested. Have you seen comet PanSTARRS? It was be...
- 10.03.2013, 15:05
- Forum: Add-on development
- Topic: Planetary Nebula models (sprites)
- Replies: 58
- Views: 34837
Re: Planetary Nebula models (sprites)
I think that's rather good!
- 03.02.2013, 19:49
- Forum: Ideas & News
- Topic: Drawing a better star
- Replies: 82
- Views: 204558
Re: Drawing a better star
I downloaded an .exe file that made stars looking better. It worked and looked pretty nice, but it looks strange when the stars are too bright. Any idea of how to get rid of that? Hi, Nibla. You probably downloaded my .exe. I haven't seen this effect before. It's a pity. It's most probably a bug in...
- 08.12.2012, 20:02
- Forum: Textures
- Topic: Earth Night Lights 2012 -- dead
- Replies: 11
- Views: 9684
Re: Earth Night Lights 2012
What program is that, John?john Van Vliet wrote:here is a screen short with the PX value MULTIPLIED by 1.849
- 16.11.2012, 02:20
- Forum: Physics and Astronomy
- Topic: Virtual Moon Atlas
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3646
Virtual Moon Atlas
For Celestians that enjoy observing the universe besides simulating it: Virtual Moon Atlas has a major update as of today, with version 6. Virtual Moon Atlas is one of the finest pieces of software for the amateur astronomer, a comprehensive observing tool for Moon watchers. One of its authors is Pa...