Posts by BreadMan

by BreadMan
04.06.2002, 22:11
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: New Textures For Gas Giants & Moon
Replies: 10
Views: 7972


PS. I just checked on some of the gasgaint textures and yes a few of yours are in there under the clouds somewhere. I will update the read me file included in the zip to add your credit where needed and also stress that all the textures are based on other textures. Sorry if I steped on your toes. N...
by BreadMan
04.06.2002, 04:41
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: New Textures For Gas Giants & Moon
Replies: 10
Views: 7972

Re: New Textures For Gas Giants & Moon

Hey wait a sec...

some of those textures have very familiar color schemes... :D

Edwards, what part of Oregon are you from?
by BreadMan
22.04.2002, 21:02
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: New features
Replies: 31
Views: 22239

Re: New features

Nebulae and comet tails would be nice visuals-wise, and I would really like to see multiple-star systems, pulsars, and black holes (ok maybe that's more than 3, but anyway...) Suppose I want to view a moon from my position on a planet, I type 'locate <moon>'. If it is below the horizon => too bad, t...
by BreadMan
07.04.2002, 21:28
Forum: Development
Topic: Gas giant textures by me
Replies: 15
Views: 13356

Re: Gas giant textures by me

I like all of the textures, but is there a quick way of using them ? It would be nice if the extrasolar file could pick a texture at random for certain (or all) extrasolar planets from a specific directory - I don't suppose that's possible, is it ? To be honset I'm just too lazy to go through the f...
by BreadMan
07.04.2002, 21:22
Forum: Development
Topic: Gas giant textures by me
Replies: 15
Views: 13356

Re: Gas giant textures by me

Let me try and add to the discussion: Now mostly all I've messed with is gas giants which are relatively simple...
by BreadMan
05.04.2002, 06:52
Forum: Development
Topic: Gas giant textures by me
Replies: 15
Views: 13356

Gas giant textures by me

I've been doing some generic textures to add variety to the extrasolars in Celestia, and figured I might as well share them. You can view them all here or download them as a zip Any feedbac...
by BreadMan
05.04.2002, 01:00
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: 1.2.4 Status
Replies: 5
Views: 6323

1.2.4 Status

chris wrote:...and finally get around to creating a manual.

Well shoot, I guess there's no point on me continuing on this then. Maybe you can use it for a start or something. Still needs a lot of work.
by BreadMan
16.03.2002, 21:31
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Request for Hotkeys and Waypoints
Replies: 3
Views: 4402

Re: Request for Hotkeys and Waypoints

Ok, note to self: Next time, make sure a feature isn't already implemented before requesting it (the 0-9 option works for extrasolar planets too, btw). There's still the idea of having a hot-key that advances the demo to the next step rather than have each be timed, however. That would still prove u...
by BreadMan
16.03.2002, 08:19
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Request for Hotkeys and Waypoints
Replies: 3
Views: 4402

Request for Hotkeys and Waypoints

I would like to use Celestia in some planetarium presentations that I'm going to be doing in the fall (we have a computer with a projector that projects onto the dome) and I was thinking: It kind of 'ruins the mood' if you're flying around in space and want to show something that requires a windows ...
by BreadMan
16.03.2002, 07:55
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Pulsars!
Replies: 3
Views: 4587

Re: Pulsars!

I have always found those two systems intensely interesting if for no other reason than the interpretations of Lynette Cook I've been thinking that after comet tails have been implemented there may be some way to use the same effects to create pulsars and...
by BreadMan
11.03.2002, 18:36
Forum: Development
Topic: Venus
Replies: 3
Views: 5648

Re: Venus

by BreadMan
05.03.2002, 08:28
Forum: Development
Topic: Comets and animating textures
Replies: 0
Views: 3205

Comets and animating textures

I was wondering what ideas have been considered for doing comet trails. Assuming you (Chris) get around to it, are you going to go for an actual particle system or some animated model that grows and shrinks over time with maybe an animated texture? I was also thinking that whatever effect you come u...

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