Posts by whitejohn29

by whitejohn29
07.07.2008, 14:32
Forum: Ideas & News
Topic: Ecliptic patch
Replies: 2
Views: 5159

Re: Ecliptic patch

As I understand the following patch should be turned on and off with the following script:

enabled = celestia:getrenderflags().ecliptic
celestia:setrenderflags{ecliptic = not enabled}
by whitejohn29
07.07.2008, 14:20
Forum: Ideas & News
Topic: Phase angle
Replies: 4
Views: 6649

Re: Phase angle

I think it will be great to see phase angles for closest star? I understand that it is difficult to create phase angles for all planets but maybe it is possible to create phase angles for closest star.
by whitejohn29
07.07.2008, 13:41
Forum: Celestia in Education
Topic: Planetarium
Replies: 2
Views: 8035

Re: Planetarium

Colin asked a question “Could you let us know what system you use? is it Celestia and Stellarium?” so can you reply to this question? It will be interesting to know what system you use.

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