Posts by Marco Klunder

by Marco Klunder
30.12.2020, 12:44
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Celestia 1.6.2 is out
Replies: 61
Views: 172325

Re: Celestia 1.6.2 is out

What a nice supprise after all these years :clap: :clap: :clap:
Thank you development team for the efforts.
by Marco Klunder
01.10.2013, 19:39
Forum: Help Central
Topic: Problem Scripting Time Scale For Animation
Replies: 8
Views: 6539

Re: Problem Scripting Time Scale For Animation

Good to see you have a solution.

by Marco Klunder
23.09.2013, 09:52
Forum: Help Central
Topic: Problem Scripting Time Scale For Animation
Replies: 8
Views: 6539

Re: Problem Scripting Time Scale For Animation

Next to Fenerit's suggestion,

Depending on the Sol addon you have in use, there are Sol addons with solar flares and prominences implemented as "clouds".
Simply pressing the [i] key, or turning off cloud rendering in the script might also solve your issue.

by Marco Klunder
29.07.2013, 20:41
Forum: Scripting
Topic: Planet vector of travel around the galaxy
Replies: 1
Views: 10273

Re: Planet vector of travel around the galaxy

Hello jiveabillion, It is possible in scripts to show velocity vectors for objects in Celestia, within a script. It is however the design of Celestia, what these velocity vectors represent. And your question, regarding the path around the galaxy is not (yet) one of the possibilities. Objects have th...
by Marco Klunder
09.07.2013, 19:02
Forum: Scripting
Topic: How might draw a trail of a point on a planet?
Replies: 3
Views: 11676

Re: How might draw a trail of a point on a planet?

Hello jiveabillion, This is not really a scripting issue. What you ask cannot be solved by scripting. Unfortunately for you, the way Celestia handles orbit drawing, differs from your wish, and there is no option to set it. There is however a way Celestia can draw these kind of parabolic arcs by pred...
by Marco Klunder
13.06.2013, 19:18
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Moon shadow yes, moon shadow no...
Replies: 5
Views: 7633

Re: Moon shadow yes, moon shadow no...

Probably a "partial" eclipse ?
Check and move in the expected shadow area on the surface of Earth, to see if it should be a total eclipse with a shadow...
by Marco Klunder
28.05.2013, 19:16
Forum: Celestia in Education
Topic: Help with 4E
Replies: 9
Views: 15449

Re: Help with 4E

there is a bug in that add on the English ( en ) folder is missing Not quite true... Because Lua_Edu_Tools are default written in English, there is NO need for a locale "en" directory. There are also no subdirectories defined in the ..\extras\lua_edu_tools-b9\tools folder. The English def...
by Marco Klunder
08.04.2013, 19:40
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Who wants to kill the forum?
Replies: 10
Views: 10001

Re: Who wants to kill the forum?

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: After having Celestia Development in hibernation for a long time now, we were lucky to still have some very worthfull developers on this forum, helping, producing and developing a variety of addons, which interested a brought part of the forum members. Now we let t...
by Marco Klunder
05.04.2013, 16:40
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Alternative Constellations for Celestia
Replies: 1
Views: 4614

Re: Alternative Constellations for Celestia

A re-visit to this "old" thread. Meanwhile I improved this add-on with the following: * Sami Constellations added * Norse Constellations added * Interantional Astronomical Union (IAU) Constellations added * Hawaiian Starlines added * Plug-in for Lua_Edu_Tools and/or Lua_plugins, to switch ...
by Marco Klunder
02.04.2013, 18:33
Forum: Help Central
Topic: 如果有人这样我怎么办?
Replies: 2
Views: 3351

Re: ???????????

1.61 main program in China, was not any meaningful changes, they put a version number changed to 2.0, I ask the official whether this be allowed? (He could not publish the source code)
by Marco Klunder
29.03.2013, 20:25
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: LUAPLUGIN: Ephemerides 2.0
Replies: 14
Views: 9294

Re: LUAPLUGIN: Ephemerides 2.0

I don't get it at work at all :? So for me, there is no competition :wink: ephemerides.jpg Even the Earth has gone and the Sun at startup is also weird. Just leaving out "ephemerisBox", from the config.lua solves the problem, but leaves me NO ephemerides to test. Another suggestion for loc...
by Marco Klunder
24.03.2013, 12:28
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: OBJECT Rise/Set Addon (Lua Plug-in + Animation scripts)
Replies: 16
Views: 11497

Re: OBJECT Rise/Set Addon (Lua Plug-in + Animation scripts)

Small bug-fix repaired regarding the animation scripts and the length of Object names. Further I discovered in some supported languages, that the length of the text fields regarding the planets can sometimes also be a bit too long. So the adjustments regarding the length of object names in the Objec...
by Marco Klunder
23.03.2013, 20:08
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: OBJECT Rise/Set Addon (Lua Plug-in + Animation scripts)
Replies: 16
Views: 11497

Re: OBJECT Rise/Set Addon (Lua Plug-in + Animation scripts)

Because of a few modifications, I've uploaded a revised V2.1 of the ObjectsRiseSet addon. The main reason for this modification is the following: Because the Objects selected can now be any object, the object name can differ very much in length. That was not a problem for the Sun, Moon, Pluto and th...
by Marco Klunder
23.03.2013, 20:08
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: OBJECT Rise/Set Addon (Lua Plug-in + Animation scripts)
Replies: 16
Views: 11497

Re: OBJECT Rise/Set Addon (Lua Plug-in + Animation scripts)

Thanks John for the compliments :D
I'll continue to keep the addon quality according the very much appreciated guidelines :!: :!: :!:
Hope I'll not fail :wink:

by Marco Klunder
20.03.2013, 19:51
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: OBJECT Rise/Set Addon (Lua Plug-in + Animation scripts)
Replies: 16
Views: 11497

Re: OBJECT Rise/Set Addon (Lua Plug-in + Animation scripts)

The Sun Rise/Set and Moon Rise/Set addons have meanwhile be more improved :!: :idea: :!: Instead of using Fundamental parameters, the addon now uses internal Celestia functionality. That also cleared the road to calculate the Rise/Set times on Earth of all Space objects available in Celestia. So the...
by Marco Klunder
19.03.2013, 20:08
Forum: Lua-Tools
Topic: How to install Lua Edu Tools 1.2 Addon Pack to work for me ?
Replies: 2
Views: 11263

Re: How to install Lua Edu Tools 1.2 Addon Pack to work for

This is mend purely for save/backup the existing config.lua. Just safety reasons for a later possible fall-back. Copy it to any place you like or indeed rename it eg. config.bkp Reason: by the installation that follows, the existing config.lua will be overwritten. After the installation there will b...
by Marco Klunder
19.03.2013, 19:58
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Mirror of 4-arrows marker in Multiview mode
Replies: 5
Views: 7597

Re: Mirror of 4-arrows marker in Multiview mode

As I further tested, this has NOTHING to do at all with "synchronizetime" between the different views, NOR something with my add-on. In fact, it is very easy reproducable: 1. Start Celestia 2. Press the [Ctrl + U] keys to verically split the screen 3. Turn markers on 4. Select a star by [l...
by Marco Klunder
17.03.2013, 16:21
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Mirror of 4-arrows marker in Multiview mode
Replies: 5
Views: 7597

Re: Mirror of 4-arrows marker in Multiview mode

As far as I can see now, this effect ONLY happens for NON Solar System Objects.

Eg. selecting one of the Planets or the Sun in the above example, does not lead to the same issue.
But selecting a star (like Spica in the above example), immediately shows the mirrored 4-arrows marker.


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