Posts by Satum

by Satum
08.11.2007, 07:43
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Sun's Life
Replies: 17
Views: 12858

Re: Sun's Life

Excelent, I'll get and download it straight away, But either way 2 hours is a little long even for an educational activity, I'll have to film the bits that interess us. But in the long run I think that all this help is definetly helping me get cracking on this project. We're moving ahead and we hope...
by Satum
01.11.2007, 11:02
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Sun's Life
Replies: 17
Views: 12858

Re: Sun's Life

Excelent I'm going to get and Download it straight away, it looks AMAZING Vincent! Thanks for all your help, this is going to hellp me so much. I'll keep you guys updated on our progress. And if I may be so bold, if we enconter any questions that need a little bit more knowledge to answer them, may ...
by Satum
24.10.2007, 15:53
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Sun's Life
Replies: 17
Views: 12858

Re: Sun's Life

Thanks guys, Sorry for the delay in answering to your posts, but school's demanding at the moment and I've been awol from my PC ^^ With a total fluidity ! :) I'll try to post a first beta version of the addon tomorrow... Excellent Vincent, I can't wait to get a look at this, Keep me updated! :D Than...
by Satum
18.10.2007, 17:51
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Sun's Life
Replies: 17
Views: 12858

Sun's Life

Hey Everybody, I'm an English student who is studying in France (1S pour ceux qui s'y connais un peu) and I found out about this amazing software during a school trip to a science fair. The aim of this trip was to help us with our TPE: Travail Personel Encadr?©, the French equivalent of a Research P...

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