Posts by hendrik beijeman

by hendrik beijeman
23.03.2009, 06:11
Forum: Development
Topic: Added: galactic coordinate info
Replies: 10
Views: 6662

Re: Added: galactic coordinate info

Chris, you might very well be able to apply it to 1.6.0 as well. I have not seen this version, but the added code is in a relatively static place that probably hasn't changed.

What do you mean with coordinate democracy?

by hendrik beijeman
22.03.2009, 18:35
Forum: Development
Topic: Added: galactic coordinate info
Replies: 10
Views: 6662

Added: galactic coordinate info

Howdy, Here is a small patch for celestia 1.5.1 that adds two sets of galactic coordinates for stars to the verbose info text. I've used it for a lecture, and I post it here in the hope someone else might find it useful. The first set of coordinates are the usual heliocentric galactic coordinates, {...

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