Posts by Fenerit

by Fenerit
01.02.2019, 18:09
Forum: Modelling
Topic: Comet 67P from 3ds to cmod
Replies: 6
Views: 11656

Re: Comet 67P from 3ds to cmod

Hello to all! Is it possible to convert this incredible 67p comet from .3ds to .cmod file? It is a really amazing model that would be fine to enjoy at Celestia! Thanks in advance! Alejandro hi! if you are a Windows u...
by Fenerit
16.12.2018, 22:02
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Project "Celestia Origin", release dated August 30, 2018
Replies: 199
Views: 117135

Re: Project "Celestia Origin", release dated August 30, 2018

SpaceFanatic64 wrote:Fenerit, that's because I retracted the message after thinking that you would never reply or notice it.

no_evil_eye.jpg (99.89 KiB) Viewed 9270 times
by Fenerit
15.12.2018, 20:39
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Project "Celestia Origin", release dated August 30, 2018
Replies: 199
Views: 117135

Re: Project "Celestia Origin", release dated August 30, 2018

I open a parenthesis; sorry if a bit off topic: Yesterday I private messaged Fenerit if he could send me the Helene and Telesto models. I haven't had any response yet, though. I see this post just now, but I never received an email alert for that PM, nor I find that PM now inside my account. Sorry, ...
by Fenerit
05.12.2018, 22:22
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Anyone have the Mac Disk Image for cmodview?
Replies: 7
Views: 7423

Re: Anyone have the Mac Disk Image for cmodview?


Mind that the suggestion of mine didn't intend to overrule this site. I'm not a MAC user so I don't have the CMODviewer for MAC nor the Perl script for world's capitals.
by Fenerit
05.12.2018, 22:00
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Anyone have the Mac Disk Image for cmodview?
Replies: 7
Views: 7423

Re: Anyone have the Mac Disk Image for cmodview?

I would suggest you to ask for your requests on CM:

How I do quote now? I do not find the button neither within the advanced editor. I'm missing something?
by Fenerit
02.12.2018, 22:09
Forum: Help Central
Topic: Celestial Matters forum still down
Replies: 7
Views: 7292

Re: Celestial Matters forum still down

I don't think it is a CM issue, must be an ibiblio issue. This server is the same of Motherlode. Same problems on both AFAIK.
by Fenerit
13.09.2018, 18:44
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Is there a way to setup a "landscape" like in stellarium?
Replies: 2
Views: 4461

Re: Is there a way to setup a "landscape" like in stellarium?

You should build a 3D landscape through a 3D modeler and then put it on the ground of your observing site by using a .SSC. There are several free 3D modelers which could make all you need: grass, trees, lakes, mountains and so on.
by Fenerit
13.05.2018, 22:55
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Post your Celestia videos!
Replies: 124
Views: 88898

Re: Post your Celestia videos!

A simulation of Trappist-1 system.
Atmospheres are approximative, backscattering fictional and star's specular reflexion totally guessed. Recorded with realtime Xvid compression. 1280x720, 30fps, 4.28min., 44mega.
by Fenerit
04.02.2018, 11:38
Forum: Modelling
Topic: Fading a model
Replies: 5
Views: 11734

Re: Fading a model

I recall a model could be made translucent by assigning a PNG with transparent canvas upon the CMOD model set with opacity 1. But I don't recall whether assigning a PNG with transparent canvas upon the CMOD set with opacity 0 could made the model translucent in converse way: let say, the model is op...
by Fenerit
18.10.2017, 17:41
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Gravitational waves from NGC 4993
Replies: 7
Views: 6849

Re: Gravitational waves from NGC 4993

Some scripted behaviour with timeline? Timeline showing the merger; then what is it now, whether a quark star or whatelse, will be fictional...
by Fenerit
17.10.2017, 23:18
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Gravitational waves from NGC 4993
Replies: 7
Views: 6849

Re: Gravitational waves from NGC 4993

The image within Wiki page shows the galaxy as it seen from Earth; that is: correctly oriented, neither upside-down refracted nor left-right mirror reflected. So the coordinates of the source should be tuneable since the galaxy RA Dec. :spy:
by Fenerit
17.09.2017, 22:37
Forum: Ideas & News
Topic: Rings (disks) around stars?
Replies: 26
Views: 31780

Re: Rings (disks) around stars?

Never mind: I've quit smoking time ago. That emoticon mean "peace and calm" for me.
by Fenerit
17.09.2017, 09:00
Forum: Modelling
Topic: "Data" to "No Data" Transition Lines on Charon Mesh [Need Help]
Replies: 6
Views: 12010

Re: "Data" to "No Data" Transition Lines on Charon Mesh [Need Help]

Memory usage should be displayed on the info bar: doesn't it increase along with subdivisions? Blender does use all RAM memory available on system: possibly your issues concerns the GPU (on board?). BTW, to remove those lines couldn't be matter of subdivisions/smoothing, but a more simple "make...
by Fenerit
14.09.2017, 16:32
Forum: Modelling
Topic: "Data" to "No Data" Transition Lines on Charon Mesh [Need Help]
Replies: 6
Views: 12010

Re: "Data" to "No Data" Transition Lines on Charon Mesh [Need Help]

It should be:
"Edit mode" -> Mesh -> Edges -> Subdivide
do it a bunch of times. The increases in edges/vertex count is shown within the status ba close to the program's icon. Anyhow, wait for John reply: he is the "Blender guru" here.
by Fenerit
10.09.2017, 08:18
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: [Request] Normal Map Conversion
Replies: 9
Views: 5827

Re: [Request] Normal Map Conversion

I recall that CMOD model is very coarse and without normal/tangent because just the ridge was sculpted from a spherical mesh with a Iapetus surface texure applied upon it. That model is not scientific at all, I made that just to show the 3D ridge feature because no Iapetus's normal maps were availab...
by Fenerit
08.09.2017, 11:07
Forum: Modelling
Topic: CMOD models and normal maps
Replies: 48
Views: 43542

Re: CMOD models and normal maps

Maybe the UV-map is applied upon triangles and not upon quads. Do try to re-mesh the CM models to quads, either on Anim8tor or Blender and then appliyng the texture.
by Fenerit
03.09.2017, 21:04
Forum: Development
Replies: 104
Views: 82167


Ok, ok... Sorry, but CM login is not secure. Is there a way to fix that?
by Fenerit
01.09.2017, 12:21
Forum: Development
Replies: 104
Views: 82167


This discussion recall to me the attempts done by the trueSpace folks to develop the program through the plugin API and their fault to get Micro$oft (buyer and quitter of tS) releasing the source code for free; with the difference that in Celestia's case the source is freely available. None the less...
by Fenerit
31.08.2017, 19:09
Forum: Ideas & News
Topic: Rings (disks) around stars?
Replies: 26
Views: 31780

Re: Rings (disks) around stars?

I still have the Cham's protostar NGC404; if it has been loss somewhere in the net, I could upload it again.

valverie wrote:I'm new here, hi :)

Welcom to Celestia Forums! :smoke:

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