Posts by JunkSiu

by JunkSiu
27.03.2007, 06:43
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Is it possible for a gas giant as the system 'star'?
Replies: 2
Views: 3694

Re: Is it possible for a gas giant as the system 'star'?

Thank you selden!! I will do some research on 'brown dwarf'!!
by JunkSiu
25.03.2007, 20:54
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Is it possible for a gas giant as the system 'star'?
Replies: 2
Views: 3694

Is it possible for a gas giant as the system 'star'?

I am just wondering if it is possible for a natural system with a gas giant as the "star"? That means a systme basically has no sun light.
by JunkSiu
24.03.2007, 04:15
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Question about traveling in the local bubble
Replies: 9
Views: 7473

Re: Question about traveling in the local bubble

OK, its turn out that selden is right :D I found the following paragraph, Its temperature, 6000 C, is about the same as the surface temperature of the sun. A spacecraft flying through the stream won't melt, though, or even notice the heat. ...
by JunkSiu
23.03.2007, 22:49
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Question about traveling in the local bubble
Replies: 9
Views: 7473

Re: Question about traveling in the local bubble

Thank you for everyone above took the time to reply my question. Especially selden for the link, I didn't come across that link before. I will try to go through those paper, though I am not sure if I can understand 5% of them 8O I did try to get more info from the web before I post my initial questi...
by JunkSiu
22.03.2007, 22:18
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Question about traveling in the local bubble
Replies: 9
Views: 7473

Re: Question about traveling in the local bubble

Additional question:

Will this hot local bubble distort the view of the distant space and make star distant measurment inaccurate?
by JunkSiu
22.03.2007, 21:08
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Question about traveling in the local bubble
Replies: 9
Views: 7473

Question about traveling in the local bubble

I used to think that space far away from sun is always cold. However I come across this article on American Scientist saying that it can actually get very hot: The sun is on the edge of what is sometimes called the Local Bubb...
by JunkSiu
18.03.2007, 03:02
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: New Orion's Arm Space Elevator
Replies: 27
Views: 18712

Re: New Orion's Arm Space Elevator

I remember reading something about using induction to generate energy while lift drop down from space, and use that energy to send the lift up. I think I read that off some science magazine.

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