Posts by haukew

by haukew
20.02.2006, 20:51
Forum: Scripting
Topic: Preloading Textures in start.cel
Replies: 3
Views: 5735

Re: Preloading Textures in start.cel

Hello! Thanks for your reply, i think my computer should be fast enough (Athlon3000+, GeForce FX 5900, 512 MB Ram) or isn't it? The lag isn't too big (about half a second), though it would be great if it happened when the camera isn't moving. Isn't it even possible to load the textures on celestia s...
by haukew
20.02.2006, 18:24
Forum: Scripting
Topic: Preloading Textures in start.cel
Replies: 3
Views: 5735

Preloading Textures in start.cel

Hello! I am using the 64k-Surface-Map of the Earth posted by FightSpit as my default-texture for the Earth. In my start.cel is defined, that the camera shall fly directly to the Earth, which causes lags - obviously because the texture is so big. How can i preload a virtual texture in a .cel-script? ...

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