Posts by L_himalia
- 25.08.2020, 19:03
- Forum: Development
- Topic: New bugfix release 1.6.2-beta1
- Replies: 162
- Views: 155718
Help Installing on CATALINA - SOLVED
Hi!! I'm a teacher that uses CELESTIA. I usally use the computer at school, but since we are doing everything virtually (I live in Argentina and school has been virtual all year) i've been using my MAC. Problem is that now I can't use Celestia because I have CATALINA. I'm really not good at coding o...
- 20.08.2020, 14:06
- Forum: Celestia in Education
- Topic: Simulate spaceship
- Replies: 3
- Views: 9954
Simulate spaceship
Hello...! First of all, I apologize if theis is mentioned in some other section. I looked around and haven't found it. I'm a teacher and this year I have to give a special course (virtualy) to 2nd grade. I've always used celestia to teach, but since I'm teaching it virtually and to little ones I tho...