Posts by Ajaja

by Ajaja
22.03.2009, 18:58
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Orbits rendering bug
Replies: 1
Views: 2379

Orbits rendering bug

This is old bug. For examlle: start Celestia, go to the Moon, activate orbits in View Options, faster the time and look at Moon and it's orbit. Afters some time we have this:
The orbit of Moon is obsolete now :(
by Ajaja
12.04.2008, 23:20
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Permanent use of spice kernels
Replies: 12
Views: 5382

Re: Permanent use of spice kernels

The barycenters are used for systems like Earth. The center of the Earth/Moon system, the point where Earth and Moon are rotating around is not the center of the earth but a point more at the surface of the earth. Nevertheless, if it's true you don't have to use barycenters, it would simplyfy thing...
by Ajaja
12.04.2008, 22:16
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Permanent use of spice kernels
Replies: 12
Views: 5382

Re: Permanent use of spice kernels

CAP-Team I've been making Mars system using SpiceOrbits few days ago. Looks very accurate. View Phobos from Deimos: Celestia: There is my mars.ssc: Modify "Mars&...
by Ajaja
12.04.2008, 08:41
Forum: Ideas & News
Topic: CustomRotations
Replies: 13
Views: 14531

Re: CustomRotations

Did you apply the delta T correction to the iau-earth or p03lp rotation model? To the SpiceRotation. Most probably, it was not quite correct, but I've added ?T correction to check it usefulness only (simplest ?T = -20 + 32 * u^2 for years <-500): Quatd SpiceRotation::computeSpin(double jd) const { ...
by Ajaja
11.04.2008, 23:19
Forum: Ideas & News
Topic: CustomRotations
Replies: 13
Views: 14531

Re: CustomRotations

Thanks for explanation. Unfortunatly I didn't find any kernels for distant past. I've added time correction in source code using simple expressions from and rebuild Celestia. With this correction eclipses in Celestia are correspond to 5MCSE cat...
by Ajaja
11.04.2008, 16:59
Forum: Ideas & News
Topic: CustomRotations
Replies: 13
Views: 14531

Re: CustomRotations

Thanks! One more question. I have been test some ancient (1999BC-1990BC) solar/moon eclipses with Celestia-svn-4260 . There are huge differenses between NASA data ( and Celestia. It seems like both CustomRotation and SpiceRotation models are not include some time convers...
by Ajaja
10.04.2008, 17:39
Forum: Ideas & News
Topic: CustomRotations
Replies: 13
Views: 14531

Re: CustomRotations

Found strange differences in rotation models between SpiceRotation/UniformRotation and CustomRotation. Examples. Celestia-svn-4250. Look at Earth from Sun at same time. Default config (UniformRotation): Modified: Modify "Earth" "Sol...
by Ajaja
28.01.2008, 21:54
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Scientifically accurate ?
Replies: 27
Views: 16050

Re: Scientifically accurate ?

Excellent! DE405/406 and SPICE in v1.5.0. Very accurate! But still for scientific accuracy we need precise rotation model for Earth/Moon and planets. Default "UniformRotation" in solarsys.ssc is too inexact. Maybe, is it possible to take correct Earth/Moon/planets orientation angles from VSOP87/DE40...
by Ajaja
28.01.2008, 19:24
Forum: Development
Topic: Visual Studio 2008EEd can compile celestia with minor tweaks
Replies: 13
Views: 8730

Re: Visual Studio 2008EEd can compile celestia with minor tweaks

Celestia is compatible with VS2008!!! Just need small fix. In render.cpp and stardb.cpp - functions "operator<(...)" must be in namespace std: Example, was: bool operator< (const StarDatabase::CrossIndexEntry& a, const StarDatabase::CrossIndexEntry& b) { return a.catalogNumber <...
by Ajaja
20.08.2007, 20:08
Forum: Development
Topic: Free Windows-based compiling for Celestia.
Replies: 62
Views: 124457

Re: compiling celestia on Win Vista after add libs stil erro

Has anyone tried to compile Celestia with the Visual C++ 2008 Beta2 ??? I compiled Celestia using ICL10 (intel c++ compiler) integrated into Visual Studio 2005 ;) Found only one problem while compiling celestia\src\celengine\vecgl.h - many errors in lines like celestia\src\celengine\vecgl.h(92&...
by Ajaja
27.08.2006, 17:46
Forum: Ideas & News
Topic: Internationalization under Windows
Replies: 41
Views: 38227

Re: Internationalization under Windows

by Ajaja
23.08.2006, 10:52
Forum: Ideas & News
Topic: Internationalization under Windows
Replies: 41
Views: 38227

Re: Internationalization under Windows

I think we'll just have to make Celestia a Unicode application Would be great But for the moment seems yet one small fix needed in winmain.cpp, something like: class WinSplashProgressNotifier : public ProgressNotifier { public: WinSplashProgressNotifier(SplashWindow* _splash) : splash&...
by Ajaja
23.08.2006, 07:34
Forum: Ideas & News
Topic: Internationalization under Windows
Replies: 41
Views: 38227

Re: Internationalization under Windows

Which non-english language you are using? It could be caused by the *.ssc file. You may need to edit and save the *.ssc file in the UTF-8 encoding mode. Russian in UTF-8 My temp solution of problem is change body.cpp: void Body::setName(const string _name) { #ifdef WIN32 const char* lp...
by Ajaja
22.08.2006, 22:38
Forum: Ideas & News
Topic: Internationalization under Windows
Replies: 41
Views: 38227

Re: Internationalization under Windows

I built latest CVS-version of Celestia under Win32(MSVC). Internationalization (*.mo and res_<lang>.dll) works fine. But, there is something wrong with user-added non-english-named objects in *.ssc files in Solar System Browser window :( winssbrowser.cpp: item = AddItemToTree(treeView, const_cas...
by Ajaja
31.01.2006, 22:29
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Post Bugs Here
Replies: 163
Views: 134428

Re: Post Bugs Here

Hi! Version : latest cvs (31/01/2006) System : WinXP ??ompiler : VC++ 2005 (VS.NET Team Suite) Bug: exception after few left-clicks of any star from any place in Sol-system File: samporbit.cpp (line 159): -- if (n < 1 || jd < samples[n - 1].t || jd > samples[n].t) -- samples[n] - out of vector With ...

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