Posts by Neethis

by Neethis
27.11.2007, 20:59
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Centauri Hegemony (images included)
Replies: 34
Views: 20487

Re: Centauri Hegemony (images included)

Bob, I haven't posted the textures anywhere, I made them for myself mainly. I only posted the pictures here to see what people thought of them... I wish I never had now, heh. I regret using the clouds without tracing down where they came from, but I honestly didn't think a few pictures would be such...
by Neethis
27.11.2007, 20:24
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Centauri Hegemony (images included)
Replies: 34
Views: 20487

Re: Centauri Hegemony (images included)

Thank you, cartrite :)
by Neethis
27.11.2007, 19:48
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Centauri Hegemony (images included)
Replies: 34
Views: 20487

Re: Centauri Hegemony (images included)

Fridger, How could I have actually used Don's texture? It hasn't even been released yet, has it? My biggest influence was Kim Stanley Robinson's Red/Green/Blue series - my texture includes a fairly dry Argyre Basin, like in the books. Also, I think its got a lot lower sea level than Don's. If you re...
by Neethis
27.11.2007, 17:26
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Centauri Hegemony (images included)
Replies: 34
Views: 20487

Re: Centauri Hegemony (images included)

Fridger, As I said, I never intended to copy Don's work, I just made a texture that happened to look a lot like his, from afar, for my own purposes. I've apologised to Don, but I never set out to 'copy his work' in the first place. I didn't even have it in mind when I was mucking about in Paintshop ...
by Neethis
27.11.2007, 15:04
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Centauri Hegemony (images included)
Replies: 34
Views: 20487

Re: Centauri Hegemony (images included)

Don, I've removed the Mars picture. I apologise, I didnt intend for my work to be a "rip off" of yours, I was just making textures for fun, and for my own stories, and wanted to get peoples impressions of how I was doing :( My textures no where near approach your own in terms of detail, obviously, t...
by Neethis
24.11.2007, 21:57
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Centauri Hegemony (images included)
Replies: 34
Views: 20487

Re: Centauri Hegemony (images included)

Well I've wrote quite a lot of stuff already about these worlds, and the other worlds I have planned, yet I can never seem to form it all into a coherant story :lol: only works well in my mind.... lol
by Neethis
23.11.2007, 11:26
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Centauri Hegemony (images included)
Replies: 34
Views: 20487

Re: Centauri Hegemony (images included)

Thanks! @ bdm, i clonestamped bits of Earth's bump map in paintshop into a single bumpmap for a new planet, then used layers with different blendings to build up colour on the surfaces. Of course that wont make sense if you dont use paintshop :lol: @ Lordferret, the stories still mostly in my head a...
by Neethis
22.11.2007, 13:11
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Centauri Hegemony (images included)
Replies: 34
Views: 20487

Centauri Hegemony (images included)

Hey all. Been a long time since I've done any Celestia work, but recently I started messing about with things again, and these are the results. Hope they are liked :) Alpha Prime : Orbitting Alpha Centauri A, this was the first world colonised during the Basket Project, and is now the capital of the...
by Neethis
30.09.2007, 18:50
Forum: Textures
Topic: UPDATE!! - Ultimate Terraformed Mars Texture
Replies: 195
Views: 167016

Re: UPDATE!! - Ultimate Terraformed Mars Texture

Don. Edwards wrote:Nope, Mars is a one world goverment with a single planetary capital. Although this capital city is real quite large.

We'll see what the Elysium Island Seperatist Movement has to say about that ;)

Very nice work btw
by Neethis
12.09.2007, 22:36
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Calypso and Tethys Collide?
Replies: 2
Views: 3690

Calypso and Tethys Collide?

Hey all. Ive been facinated by the moons of Saturn for a little while now, and recently I found this: This was taken at aobut the closest approach I could get, with the two little moons just further than 1000Km from each other. I dont know ...
by Neethis
16.09.2006, 17:23
Forum: Textures
Topic: Flooded Earth - Project on hold!
Replies: 31
Views: 27235

Re: Flooded Earth - Project on hold!

:( *backs up all current projects onto disks*
by Neethis
12.09.2006, 09:56
Forum: Textures
Topic: Snowball Earth
Replies: 16
Views: 21520

Re: Snowball Earth

Snowball Earth is up on the motherlode :D check the "Fictional/planets and systems" section to find it.
by Neethis
12.09.2006, 09:54
Forum: Textures
Topic: Flooded Earth - Project on hold!
Replies: 31
Views: 27235

Re: Flooded Earth - Project on hold!

On the issue of the Great Lakes, they wouldnt increase in size from the higher sea levels directly , as they are above sea level, however they would be swelled due to incresed rainfall, and thawing of Canadian permafrost :D They might even be joined by another two lakes to their west, depending on e...
by Neethis
11.09.2006, 23:55
Forum: Textures
Topic: Flooded Earth - Project on hold!
Replies: 31
Views: 27235

Re: Flooded Earth - Project on hold!

You have made an error with greenland, the only land in greenland is the outlining moutain range. There is no land in the center. Once the land had rebounded from the weight of the ice there would be. There would be the U -shaped mountain range round the edge and a wide, dry, central basin in the m...
by Neethis
11.09.2006, 08:53
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Terraformed Pluto
Replies: 4
Views: 4481

Re: Terraformed Pluto

Yeah leave it, I like it :D
by Neethis
11.09.2006, 08:53
Forum: Textures
Topic: Snowball Earth
Replies: 16
Views: 21520

Re: Snowball Earth

Ooo yeah I saw that thing about Solar Dimming. Thank the Victorians for most of that carbon dust in the upper atmosphere :D lol. Producing cleaner burning fuels might be the worst thing we've ever done...
by Neethis
11.09.2006, 08:46
Forum: Textures
Topic: Flooded Earth - Project on hold!
Replies: 31
Views: 27235

Re: Flooded Earth - Project on hold!

:o I like it! Nice. I especially like the thawed Greenland and Antarctica! I've done a little work with a climatology group over here in England, we've actually been working on rainfall patterns after a massive sea level rise (maybe not as much as this, but...). The only main thing I can point out i...
by Neethis
10.09.2006, 19:29
Forum: Textures
Topic: Snowball Earth
Replies: 16
Views: 21520

Re: Snowball Earth

buggs and eburacum, thanks for the resources. :D
by Neethis
10.09.2006, 12:23
Forum: Textures
Topic: Snowball Earth
Replies: 16
Views: 21520

Re: Snowball Earth

Cool :D Ill send it in soon. Ill do some research and have a go at making a more scienfically accurate version too.
by Neethis
09.09.2006, 12:58
Forum: Textures
Topic: Snowball Earth
Replies: 16
Views: 21520

Re: Snowball Earth

Thanks, it was purely messing about :) I hadnt given the coastlines much thought. If it was a slow freezing process, with the water precipitating onto the ice caps, I guess the coastlines would be much further out as sea level fell. However if it happened fairly fast, I would think the water would e...

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