Posts by dejudicibus

by dejudicibus
06.12.2005, 23:00
Forum: Scripting
Topic: How to see rotataing objects from TOP by CEL?
Replies: 11
Views: 12309

Re: How to see rotataing objects from TOP by CEL?

Just my 2 cents. In the last code given by dejudicibus I read : goto { time 5 distance 200 longitude 0 latitude 90 } in place of : gotolonglat { time 5 distance 200 longitude 0 latitude 90 } Can we use "goto" and "gotolonglat" for the same action ? My fault. It must be gotolongl...
by dejudicibus
06.12.2005, 22:55
Forum: Scripting
Topic: How to see rotataing objects from TOP by CEL?
Replies: 11
Views: 12309

Re: How to see rotataing objects from TOP by CEL?

... Correct me if the following assumptions are wrong: ... Well, not exactly, even if you are close. Hoever, if you have some time (little, do not worry) to share, please, write me to [ ddj (at) mclink (dot) it ] and I'll tell you what I am trying to do. I do not want to bother the other participan...
by dejudicibus
06.12.2005, 17:59
Forum: Scripting
Topic: Looking for volunteer :-)
Replies: 0
Views: 3723

Looking for volunteer :-)

I am looking for an expert of CEL or CELX language that may help me to create a movie of a tour of a star system consisting of one star, one planet and two moons. No compensations is available, but he/she will be acknowledged in the site where movie will be published.

Thank you in advance.
by dejudicibus
06.12.2005, 11:09
Forum: Scripting
Topic: How to see rotataing objects from TOP by CEL?
Replies: 11
Views: 12309

Re: How to see rotataing objects from TOP by CEL?

What I am looking for is a piece of code that works for ANY object. For example: see galaxy A from top see star B and planet C from top see planet D and moons E and F from top From top means orthogonal to orbit plane, whatever are the two or three (assuming they are on the same plane) object selecte...
by dejudicibus
06.12.2005, 10:49
Forum: Scripting
Topic: How to see rotataing objects from TOP by CEL?
Replies: 11
Views: 12309

Re: How to see rotataing objects from TOP by CEL?

Thank you, Selden. I tried your script and it works for Sol, apart that I had to change orbitflags to renderflags . However, when I tried it with another star having planets, the view was no more from TOP, but slightly from side. I suspect that longitude and latitude refers strictly to our system, a...
by dejudicibus
03.12.2005, 15:34
Forum: Scripting
Topic: How to see rotataing objects from TOP by CEL?
Replies: 11
Views: 12309

Re: How to see rotataing objects from TOP by CEL?

No, it does NOT work for any object.... I tried select { object "Sol/Earth"} gotolonglat { time 4 distance 1 longitude 0 latitude 90 } renderflags { set "orbits" } wait { duration 1 } tpo see the Earth rotating around the sun (at center) fr...
by dejudicibus
03.12.2005, 15:26
Forum: Scripting
Topic: How to see rotataing objects from TOP by CEL?
Replies: 11
Views: 12309

Re: How to see rotataing objects from TOP by CEL?

selden wrote:To look down on the Earth from above the North Pole:

Code: Select all

select { object "Earth" }
wait { duration 2 }
gotolonglat { time 1 distance 10 longitude 0 latitude 90 }
wait { duration 2 }

Thank you. I assume it works for any object.
by dejudicibus
03.12.2005, 13:09
Forum: Scripting
Topic: How to see rotataing objects from TOP by CEL?
Replies: 11
Views: 12309

How to see rotataing objects from TOP by CEL?

I read several times the CEL Script Guide but I still have no idea how to generate very simple scenes by using scripts. For example: I would like to see a galaxy (or a star system) from top, being the galaxy (or planets) rotating around its center. A very simple scene, as if you moved away along an ...
by dejudicibus
02.12.2005, 10:01
Forum: Scripting
Topic: A simple star system movie
Replies: 2
Views: 4815

Re: A simple star system movie

dejudicibus, see the CEL-Scripting-Guide by Don Goyette on the Documentation page of the CML. Adirondack It was the first thing I did, but I cannot write a script that makes me see the star system from the top (to see the elliptical orbit). What I need to do is simple, but all the pieces of code I ...
by dejudicibus
26.11.2005, 22:46
Forum: Scripting
Topic: A simple star system movie
Replies: 2
Views: 4815

A simple star system movie

I created a very simple star system: one star and one planet with two moons. I would like to create a movie to see all objects in sequence. This is the script I would like to create (star, planet, moons, orbits visible): 1. center on star and get close to it 2. rotate star a couple of times 3. go ba...

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