Posts by AlextheFirst

by AlextheFirst
14.12.2002, 20:14
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Interesting pics
Replies: 0
Views: 1321

Interesting pics These are temporary on Selden`s site, but i don`t want to trashing it any more. So, if You want more, please give me...
by AlextheFirst
14.12.2002, 19:45
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Bugs.
Replies: 1
Views: 1830

Bugs. The atmosphere of betelguese looks bad from inslide... And menu of locations is extended on entire screen. I talked about this with Selden, however. On His Ti 4200 it`s OK. Thank...
by AlextheFirst
14.12.2002, 19:38
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Sirius B
Replies: 8
Views: 5009

Re: Sirius B

I more than less know this difrence, i just was sure that Sirius B is realy, realy normal star :wink: .
And Sirius C? I think i saw a few times ago article about discovery of C,
and they even draw orbits! -- BUT i`m not sure now... :(
by AlextheFirst
13.12.2002, 20:19
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Sirius B
Replies: 8
Views: 5009

Re: Sirius B

I`ve changed title of this post. Redfish, You`re, of course, right. Realy sorry. I should pay more attention what i`m writting. Sorry. :oops:

Is it possible that Sirius B is so small? Isn`t it normal star?

Thank for all replys.

Alex :lol:
by AlextheFirst
09.12.2002, 20:30
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Sirius B
Replies: 8
Views: 5009

Sirius B

What is the radius of Sirius B? I`ve heard sth. about Sirius C - have anybody data for stc file? There is Hektor add-on - is this `think` realy exist is solar system? I`m searching for stars catalog with could help me to create small stc files with interresting stars. It (thin cat.) should have data...
by AlextheFirst
02.12.2002, 19:20
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: ET counter: updated data!
Replies: 2
Views: 2263

Re: ET counter: updated data!

From some predictions i`ve heard: folks who are 20 now will be live another 100 or more thanks to modern medicine (and i`m 20 :lol: !). All life-bearing planets develop intelligent life (Fi = 100%) I realy don`t think thats correct. It took 3,75 billion years on Earth before i placed here link to ET...
by AlextheFirst
25.11.2002, 19:54
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: STC file wanted
Replies: 0
Views: 1240

STC file wanted

Could sbt make STC for black hole companion star GRO J1655-40 recently photographet by HST? Where can I see data for thinks like that?

:lol: -- Alex :lol:
by AlextheFirst
25.11.2002, 19:46
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: ET counter: updated data!
Replies: 2
Views: 2263

ET counter: updated data!

OK., I propose: Number of stars with have planets: .90 % galaxies in the Universe: 3,5 billion When live developed on Earth: I don`t konw, see , but standart input IS NOT CORRECT. I waiting 4 Your suggestions, so we could see most recently and accurate number of ET. :lol: -- ...
by AlextheFirst
21.11.2002, 20:27
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: How to increase Celestia`s popularity
Replies: 1
Views: 1978

How to increase Celestia`s popularity

Many folks with are running Celestia 4 first time judging this program from what they see at the once. So thinks like black hole, voyagers, hektor, additional galaxies, shorex mars, SL 9... in default installer could be usefull... I think about 2 additional megs could not be painfull. Chris, what is...
by AlextheFirst
12.11.2002, 20:17
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: New sugestions
Replies: 4
Views: 3113

Re: New sugestions

Another idea: key-shortcut to previous selection. Hm?

-- Alex :lol:
by AlextheFirst
07.11.2002, 20:02
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: How to become famous...
Replies: 5
Views: 3515

How to become famous...

Well, I think You all allready are signed-up, but..
Mars rovers in 2003/4 will cary microDVD with >3e6 names into Mars.
You can add Your name at

Sorry, I`ll get my coat :wink:

Aha: Just think.. if the Rovers discover ancient life on Mars, ...
by AlextheFirst
07.11.2002, 19:45
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: New sugestions
Replies: 4
Views: 3113

Re: New sugestions

Thanks, Selden! BTW: The radius of Annefrank is 4 km (according to Orbits in Celestia... HST is >=579 km above Earth, so I think rater it should be corrected. You`re right about galaxies, thenks again! How about including Quaoar to default installer? I think also about 100 additional gal...
by AlextheFirst
06.11.2002, 20:03
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: New sugestions
Replies: 4
Views: 3113

New sugestions

Something terrible has happened! In 125pre7 ALL galaxies disapeared! (I have GF 2, winME, det. 40.71). Also beggining and ending not works. There is a bit inaccuracy in magnitude counting in Celestia. Chris, I think You using factor of 2.5. Realy it`s 2.51 (I`m 100% sure). I think ISS and HST orbits...
by AlextheFirst
28.10.2002, 18:44
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: ET Counter
Replies: 16
Views: 9819

ET Counter

Hi, Anybody knows something about newer from 1.00 version of ET counter? It`s great program! its using extended Drake`s equation and gives impressive results! From the data i`ve inputed it counted: avarage distance betwen neighboring civilisations: 66 ly number of civ. in milky way: 120 000 000 (or ...
by AlextheFirst
28.10.2002, 18:39
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Another suggestions...
Replies: 7
Views: 4116

Re: Another suggestions...

I mean it`s easyer for me to read from

1 234 567 890

than from


CU! :lol:
by AlextheFirst
28.10.2002, 17:51
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Another suggestions...
Replies: 7
Views: 4116

Re: Another suggestions...

Also, the distance sometimes is unreadable. I propose:
1 345 345 765 (space included), or sth. like that
by AlextheFirst
25.10.2002, 17:39
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Another suggestions...
Replies: 7
Views: 4116

Another suggestions...

HI there! :P And now to bussiness: I think it would be good to make command `paste` workable in popup window (dialog box - when enter pushed). It would be much easyier when using long names or - in the future - long script commands. As my second idea: The time rate should be displayed 1e(count); whe...
by AlextheFirst
19.10.2002, 18:18
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Chris! Another brilliant;) suggestions from me!!!
Replies: 1
Views: 1668

Chris! Another brilliant;) suggestions from me!!!

Well, is there any chance for landisg option? (see So, when we decrease distance to i. e. Earth then it should normally zoom the texture. What I mean is to separate landing option, when key- shortcut is pressed. Then some texture should show, like some trees or sth. Hmm... I know it...
by AlextheFirst
14.10.2002, 18:27
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Future request: accurate velocity control
Replies: 0
Views: 1432

Future request: accurate velocity control


Sometimes it`s usual to set accurate speed for camera, i. e. when
tracking a body
Celestia allows to do it only from script.
My idea is to make script commands working also from dialog box
(when enter pushed).

Hm? Chris, could U do that?


Sorry 4 my English
by AlextheFirst
07.10.2002, 18:12
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Hey, lets talk about Backyard 4, RedShift4 and Deep Space Ex
Replies: 1
Views: 2336

Hey, lets talk about Backyard 4, RedShift4 and Deep Space Ex

Well, I`m wondering is anybody have a link to demo version of this
programs. I have SNB 3.12 demo, but can`t find the others.
I now these are big programs (almost 500 mego or sth.), but I
so much want to have it!!!
Anybody nows something??? Hm?? :D

Sorry 4 my english!

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