Posts by onetwothree

by onetwothree
25.09.2024, 12:30
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Please cleanup old attachments
Replies: 11
Views: 170016

Re: Please cleanup old attachments

thank you!
by onetwothree
30.06.2024, 19:11
Forum: Development
Topic: AI coding help for Celestia?
Replies: 4
Views: 10555

Re: AI coding help for Celestia?

First, we develop Celestia for fun, using AI tools is not fun. Second, all that tools consume terrible amount of electricity, so they are no ecological.
by onetwothree
29.06.2024, 10:58
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Forum registration has been disabled
Replies: 0
Views: 40195

Forum registration has been disabled

We used a gmail account to send confirmations. Spammers often use fake email addresses so mails were not delivered to them. Gmail decided that we were sending spam and blocked that address.

Fuck google. Fuck spammers.
by onetwothree
05.06.2024, 08:12
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Please cleanup old attachments
Replies: 11
Views: 170016

Re: Please cleanup old attachments

This is for me. I remove outdated files from locked threads.
by onetwothree
03.06.2024, 17:45
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Please cleanup old attachments
Replies: 11
Views: 170016

Re: Please cleanup old attachments

Thank you!
by onetwothree
23.05.2024, 22:12
Forum: Development
Topic: Celestia 1.7.0 Development Thread
Replies: 1377
Views: 1414540

Re: Celestia 1.7.0 Development Thread

I'll update, thanks.
by onetwothree
21.05.2024, 08:26
Forum: Development
Topic: Celestia 1.7.0 Development Thread
Replies: 1377
Views: 1414540

Re: Celestia 1.7.0 Development Thread

What exact problem you had?
by onetwothree
04.11.2023, 22:10
Forum: Development
Topic: sRGB-capable Celestia available for testing
Replies: 11
Views: 29340

Re: sRGB-capable Celestia available for testing

1. Use proper topics.
2. See VSOP87 limits.
by onetwothree
19.10.2023, 21:05
Forum: Development
Topic: sRGB-capable Celestia available for testing
Replies: 11
Views: 29340

Re: sRGB-capable Celestia available for testing

Do you have 1.7 without sRGB changes? What do you have there?
by onetwothree
17.10.2023, 14:12
Forum: Development
Topic: sRGB-capable Celestia available for testing
Replies: 11
Views: 29340

Re: sRGB-capable Celestia available for testing

You need a github account to be able to download (sorry).
by onetwothree
16.10.2023, 21:09
Forum: Development
Topic: sRGB-capable Celestia available for testing
Replies: 11
Views: 29340

sRGB-capable Celestia available for testing

The first test version with sRGB-capable output is downloadable from . It requires two parameters set in celestia.cfg: ProjectionMode "perspective" ViewportEffect "passthrough" Please test. For those willing to b...
by onetwothree
15.10.2023, 19:43
Forum: Development
Topic: object:setatmosphere celx updated
Replies: 0
Views: 11254

object:setatmosphere celx updated

Original object:setatmosphere had 22 (!) parameters, today I updated it to have only one - a table. Example usage: -- This snippet assigns Titan's atmosphere to Earth sel = celestia:find("Sol/Earth") t = {} t.height = 950 t.miescaleheight = 130 t.rayleigh = { 0.00125, 0.00176, 0.00274 } t....
by onetwothree
14.10.2023, 07:27
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Opening txt files with the InfoURL parameter (but not .exe)
Replies: 7
Views: 12556

Re: Opening txt files with the InfoURL parameter (but not .exe)

Celestia uses built-in windows functions to open urls, so it all depends on your windows.
by onetwothree
03.08.2023, 08:51
Forum: Development
Topic: Celestia 1.7.0 windows installer
Replies: 98
Views: 292454

Re: Celestia 1.7.0 windows installer

Unfortunately no. Installer doesn't allow selecting target bitness.
by onetwothree
31.07.2023, 15:30
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Unable to access notification options
Replies: 4
Views: 10441

Re: Unable to access notification options

i don't see any errors in system logs so it will be hard to find a root cause.
by onetwothree
16.07.2023, 07:41
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Please cleanup old attachments
Replies: 11
Views: 170016

Re: Please cleanup old attachments

DaveBowman2001 wrote:Here's all my obsolete addons that I can't remove myself because the thread they're posted, Spacecrafts for Celestia, is locked:

Thank you. I've removed them all.
by onetwothree
15.07.2023, 19:26
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Please cleanup old attachments
Replies: 11
Views: 170016

Please cleanup old attachments

Today I went through 265 pages of attachments listed in admin panel. I was able to remove ~4 GB of garbage, so the total size is less than 20 GB. But we still have a lot of old versions of addons. Please remove them.
by onetwothree
11.07.2023, 08:26
Forum: Help Central
Topic: Using DE441 ephemerides
Replies: 18
Views: 58574

Re: Using DE441 ephemerides

1) Open console (press ~) and check if your file is loaded correctly.
2) It doesn't look that your file changes Earth orbit. You have default definition for Earth and the new one for Earth_bary.

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