Posts by pirogronian

by pirogronian
10.07.2021, 05:31
Forum: Ideas & News
Topic: Which are the most underdeveloped parts of Celestia?
Replies: 20
Views: 33694

Re: Which are the most underdeveloped parts of Celestia?

How about a lack of things such as the life cycle of stars and nebulae evolution along with pm (proper motion) and plate tectonics on terrestrial bodies like Earth for example. Plus no tides or anything related and no universe expansion. For me the biggest problem is the lack of real time editing o...
by pirogronian
23.11.2020, 10:19
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Celestia 1.6.2 is out
Replies: 61
Views: 182744

Re: Celestia 1.6.2 is out

:clap: I'm very happy it finally happened! I guess some people, seeing Celestia only as distribution package, will be very surprised to see there is new version after ten years and next versions in progress :smile:
by pirogronian
21.04.2020, 11:38
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Clicking certain stars or deep space objects causes 1.7.0 to crash
Replies: 14
Views: 20720

Re: Clicking certain stars or deep space objects causes 1.7.0 to crash

PlutonianEmpire wrote:My graphics drivers can not be updated. Intel stopped making drivers for my card in 2016 or so.

I have similar problem with nVidia 340xx legacy driver. I have to set on LEGACY_OPENGL_LIBS cmake variable.
by pirogronian
13.04.2020, 09:48
Forum: Petit Bistro Entropy
Topic: Java int constructor syntax?
Replies: 0
Views: 10907

Java int constructor syntax?

Analysing code of GDX LongMap on github , I found strange initialization of a member variable: int tableSize = tableSize(initialCapacity, loadFactor); I haven't found any definition of method tableSize, so tried to search Internet for some kind of specific Java's int initialization, but found nothin...
by pirogronian
07.04.2020, 08:29
Forum: Announcements
Topic: A reminder to protect yourself from the Coronavirus
Replies: 8
Views: 30879

Re: A reminder to protect yourself from the Coronavirus

Well, now I must disagree. Comparision with per year stats I have made sh ows no reasons for panic nor keeping people at home. If there are such a reasons, they are surely not tied to Covid-19 itself. Outdoor activity is one of the best thinks that helps keeping health I know. Thete is something muc...
by pirogronian
07.04.2020, 08:08
Forum: Development
Topic: Enhanced Celestia (Cel+)
Replies: 15
Views: 20662

Re: Enhanced Celestia (Cel+)

it's a "fan project", in which he will add new spectral classes, both fictional, real and hypothetical Oh, I see. Btw I think stellar classess should be data driven. If Cel+ would implement it, it definitely should be backported to official code. The same with any useful change, fun or no...
by pirogronian
07.04.2020, 06:26
Forum: Development
Topic: Enhanced Celestia (Cel+)
Replies: 15
Views: 20662

Re: Enhanced Celestia (Cel+)

Gurren Lagann wrote:This is an project that changes Celestia's code itself, and doesn't add any addons into it!

Great initiative, but is official repo maintained too bad to contribute there? Why dividing our effort?
by pirogronian
01.04.2020, 10:12
Forum: Development
Topic: Mobile Celestia for Android
Replies: 91
Views: 201066

Re: Mobile Celestia for Android

I found the cause, I suspect it's related to threading. I used getObjectCompletion for search, which should cause a race if it is called not on the same thread as CelestiaCore's tick? I didnt know Celestia uses threading at all. I thought it uses loop reading messages from a queue provided by OS. N...
by pirogronian
30.03.2020, 09:01
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Updated stars.dat including Gaia EDR3 data (update 2022-03-03)
Replies: 86
Views: 132386

Re: Updated stars.dat including Gaia EDR3 data (update 2022-03-03)

Here are the Python scripts for generating a stars.dat from the Gaia DR2 data Hi ajtribick ! I tried to read Your script to understand how Celestia index number is generated (for stars outside HIP and TYC) but failed (I'm not familair with Python). Could you describe it shortly? It looks like (from...
by pirogronian
30.03.2020, 08:27
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Project "Celestia Origin", release dated December 30, 2019
Replies: 90
Views: 53210

Re: Project "Celestia Origin", release dated December 30, 2019

How do you generate stars.dat? More precisely, how do you generate main Celestia index numbers? Do you get them from some kind of existing catalogues or generate them from automat? If second case, could you make them packed one-by-one rather than scattered over vast range? I think would be much more...
by pirogronian
28.03.2020, 07:29
Forum: Development
Topic: Mobile Celestia for Android
Replies: 91
Views: 201066

Re: Mobile Celestia for Android

onetwothree wrote:And octree has to be optimized.

Even more than currently? I will be impressed, if anyone make it so... :wink:
by pirogronian
26.03.2020, 06:40
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: OW Geminorum, an unusual star system
Replies: 5
Views: 5197

Re: OW Geminorum, an unusual star system

This unusual configuration poses a conundrum to stellar evolutionary theory, according to Terrell et al. (2003), since it is impossible for the two stars to have formed at the same time Actually, this is nothing unusuall, but standard astronomy have a long way to admit it. Most stars revolve in pai...
by pirogronian
23.03.2020, 09:28
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: If you are bored at home, this might entertain you
Replies: 1
Views: 9205

Re: If you are bored at home, this might entertain you

I have separate topic for it, but anyway it's worth to mention, I think:
by pirogronian
23.03.2020, 08:08
Forum: Announcements
Topic: A reminder to protect yourself from the Coronavirus
Replies: 8
Views: 30879

Re: A reminder to protect yourself from the Coronavirus

So, taking into account multiple confirmations that the very majority of virus' victimes already have had serious health problems, let me be allowed to mention that this situation reminds the importance of healthy lifestyle, which is a real prevention.
by pirogronian
21.03.2020, 13:35
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Lafuente_Astronomy's Addons
Replies: 31
Views: 20816

Re: Lafuente_Astronomy's Addons

Lafuente_Astronomy wrote:I merely took it out from CO's files and released it as a separate addon.

I think entire CO should be distributed this way :wink:
by pirogronian
17.03.2020, 08:15
Forum: Development
Topic: My distro drops gtkglext
Replies: 8
Views: 14595

Re: My distro drops gtkglext

If You disable gtk frontend, I'm sure it will not depend. Otherwise I dont know.
by pirogronian
16.03.2020, 00:02
Forum: Development
Topic: My distro drops gtkglext
Replies: 8
Views: 14595

Re: My distro drops gtkglext

msdobrescu wrote:Is there some new/beta version to replace that?

Just look around... :wink:
by pirogronian
08.03.2020, 22:57
Forum: Announcements
Topic: SevenSpheres is now an Admin/Mod/something
Replies: 13
Views: 29510

Re: SevenSpheres is now an Admin/Mod/something

As I said, I can't set my rank to admin. Specifically, I can't edit the administrator or developer groups. I think "rank" and "group" are technically independent. Rank is only visible as a text below nick, kind of "honorary title". Edit: Just for test I set Your rank t...
by pirogronian
08.03.2020, 22:49
Forum: Announcements
Topic: SevenSpheres is now an Admin/Mod/something
Replies: 13
Views: 29510

Re: SevenSpheres is now an Admin/Mod/something

one thing I still can't do - but I think you can - is adding the missing developers to that user group. Hm, I changed their ranks, but cannot change group. Technically I can, but listing contains only current group. Also since you're a moderator, should I make your name green? Hm, I feel more like ...
by pirogronian
08.03.2020, 22:22
Forum: Announcements
Topic: SevenSpheres is now an Admin/Mod/something
Replies: 13
Views: 29510

Re: SevenSpheres is now an Admin/Mod/something

SevenSpheres wrote:Thing is, I don't seem to have full admin permissions, because I can't make my name red. I'm above a moderator but maybe not quite an admin.

This is great anyway, so congratulations! And I like green :smile:

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