Posts by peruke

by peruke
11.01.2018, 15:48
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Saturn coorbitals
Replies: 3
Views: 9946

saturn coorbitals

The add ons for spacecraft allow an object to have multiple orbits at different times. I assume the same means could give each of the co-orbitals an "inner" and an "outer" orbit by changing the semi-major axes on Jan 21 of each even numbered non leap year. It wouldn't be precisel...
by peruke
14.12.2017, 14:59
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Saturn coorbitals
Replies: 3
Views: 9946

Saturn coorbitals

I noticed that the Saturn co-orbitals Janus & Epimethus do not "swap" orbits but simply remain on opposite sides of Saturn and thus except for a short time every 4 years are in the wrong position.

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